One out of six married women in S. Korea are on career break because of family

  • 4 years ago
기혼여성 6명 중 1명 경력단절…일 그만둔 이유 1위 '육아'

Data show one in six married women in South Korea is currently taking a break from her career... mostly because of the need to take care of children.
Actually, the number of women taking a break from work this year has declined by about 11 percent compared to last year, but that's in large part because fewer women are getting married and having babies.
Eum Ji-young has more.
Even though she doesn't have a job outside the home, Jeong Ah-reum says she has no time to rest... because she's taking care of her two children.
"I think all moms feel the same. Even though it's tiring, I'm taking care of my children myself because I feel that it's safer."
One in six married women in South Korea between the ages of 15 and 54 say they are currently on a break from work because of family issues.
According to data released Tuesday by Statistics Korea, roughly 8-point-5-8 million women were married as of April this year ( 1) and among them 3-point-4-2 million were not employed.
Among those not employed, ( 2) 1-point-5-1 million women were not working because of family issues, which is about ( 3) 18 percent of all married women.
However, the number of women whose careers have been interrupted decreased by more than 11 percent compared to the same period last year.
"The number of women with interrupted careers is declining in part due to the government's efforts to balance home and work measures including flexible worktime and maternity leave. But it is mostly because of the decline in the number of marriages and childbirth."
The official added that the pandemic had little to do with this figure because it does not include the women who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 economic crisis.
The biggest cause of an interrupted career is childcare followed by marriage and pregnancy.
"I cannot leave my children unattended. Kids at the ages of six and two need their mom."
Among women with interrupted careers, almost 61 percent of them had children under the age of six and almost 60 percent of them had more than one child.
The biggest proportion of these women were those between the ages of 30 and 39... at about 28 percent.
Eum Ji-young, Arirang News.


