Exhibition shows progress in gov't innovation by Moon administration

  • 4 years ago
우수행정 사례 등 한눈에… 오늘부터 '정부혁신 박람회'

The South Korean government is holding an exhibition to highlight the ways it has encouraged innovation over the past three years under President Moon Jae-in.
It's an online event held under the slogan "Innovation Done Together, a Future Opened Together."
Visitors can explore policies like smart customs services, which have made it easy to buy things from overseas,... also tax services provided through mobile devices, and of course, the innovative ways in which South Korea has fought against COVID-19.
In his congratulatory message, President Moon pledged that government innovation will continue to be a key part of the fight against the pandemic.
There's also a live show every day on the site at 2 PM.'


