Scott Atlas Has Gotten On Stanford Faculty's Absolute Last Nerve

  • 4 years ago
Fox News contributor Dr. Scott Atlas is a neuroradiologist with no experience or training in public health, infectious diseases, or epidemiology.
And yet, he's a key adviser to President Donald Trump on his coronavirus task force, as well as a senior fellow at Stanford’s conservative Hoover Institution.
Atlas has pushed a controversial theory of so-called 'herd immunity' with respect to the novel coronavirus pandemic. The theory is unsupported by science.
He has urged people not to wear face masks or socially distance and to resist lockdown restrictions--most notably in Michigan.
Now, Stanford University’s faculty senate has issued a forceful condemnation of Atlas for spreading disinformation about COVID-19.
According to HuffPost, the censure states that Atlas's behavior is “anathema to our values and belief that we should use knowledge for good.'