Eduardo Massera - Orlando Agosti - Roberto Viola asisten a misa en la Catedral 1978

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Mass concelebrated for the enthronement of Pope John Paul I, attended by the Minister of Planning, General Carlos Enrique Laidlaw, in the exercise of Executive Power, and the members of the Military Junta, Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera, Brigadier General Orlando Ramón Agosti and Lieutenant General Roberto Eduardo Viola; the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Dr. Adolfo R. Gabrielli, representatives of the diplomatic corps, national and municipal authorities and special guests. The religious office is presided over by the apostolic nuncio, Monsignor Pio Laghi, and the auxiliary bishops of the archdiocese, zonal vicars and other members of the episcopate act as celebrant. (Magnetic / Ambient Sound)
Date: 2/9/1978
Duration: 1 minute 5 seconds
Film Code: B-12962

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