Alberto Armando construccion estadio de Boca en la Ciudad Deportiva 1971

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report to the President of the Boca Juniors Athletic Club, Alberto J. Armando, in which he is asked: - For a long time Armando has said that it is technically impossible to build the Boca Juniors stadium on land reclaimed from the river? about the Sports City, why would it sink? -In the first reports that were made when the Ciudad Deportiva started, did you give a date that has already been passed, we believe, to inaugurate the Boca Juniors stadium, why this delay? -Is Armando true as it was published in the newspapers that you or someone in your sector said that if 3.5 million pesos had been played some time ago the opposition would not have spoken? - Versions that circulated also spoke of the possibility of investigations on the non-application of the funds collected by sales of equity bonds to what specifically they should have been located? (Roberto Maidana)
Date: 6/8/1971
Duration: 3 minutes 18 seconds
Film Code: C-00203

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