Boy Snitches Out Sister When Mom Threatens to Take Away His Video Game Console

  • 4 years ago
When this mom came back from work, she found a broken vase in her room and decided to find out who did it. She asked her children, and they took each other’s names. Finally, she threatened her son to take away his video game console and asked him again about the broken vase. Then the boy snitched out his sister and told his mom that she had broken it.


00:00Alright flowers no vase. Let's see
00:03Saka who broke my vase in my room come on
00:10Chum who broke my vase
00:13You sure yes, you sure yes
00:17Come on who broke my vase cigar
00:21Really because they said you did it
00:24What they lie who broke my vase come on who broke my vase?
00:28Mari who broke my vase a car come on. Okay, who broke my vase?
00:34No, PlayStation 5. No Christmas who broke my vase
