16% of homeowners in S. Korea owned more than one home in 2019

  • 4 years ago
다주택자 1년새 9만2천명 늘었다…작년 집주인 100명 중 16명은 다주택자

The number of people in South Korea who own more than one home... rose last year by 92-thousand.
This is despite government measures that would tend to discourage such a trend.
The proportion of homeowners who have more than one property... has been growing since 2014.
Kim Jae-hee has this report.
Nearly 16 percent of homeowners in South Korea last year owned two or more properties.
According to data from Statistics Korea on Tuesday, 84-point-1 percent of homeowners owned just one home in 2019, whereas 15-point-9 percent owned at least two homes.
The 2-million-284-thousand multiple homeowners in 2019 is up 92-thousand from the previous year.
Statistics Korea says the proportion of multiple homeowners has been increasing every year since 2014.
"The proportion of multiple homeowners is rising, although its steepness has eased somewhat since 2017. Multiple homeowners accounted for 15-point-5 percent of the total homeowners in 2017, 15-point-6 percent in 2018, and 15-point-9 percent in 2019."
By region, multiple homeowners made up 20-point-7 percent of total homeowners in Jeju, and 20-point-4 percent in Sejong in 2019.
Incheon had a relatively low percentage with 14-point-5 percent of homeowners owning multiple properties.
Meanwhile, when looking at households rather than individuals, 56-point-3 percent of households in 2019 owned at least one home, a rise of point-one percentage points from the previous year.
Among those households, 27-point-7 percent, or 3-million-168-thousand households, owned at least two homes.
That's up 2-point-8 percent from the previous year.
Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News.
