S. Korea reports over 200 new COVID-19 cases for three days straight

  • 4 years ago
코로나19 어제 223명 신규확진, 사흘연속 200명대…지역 193명

The number of new COVID-19 cases in South Korea has been in the triple digits for nine straight days.
And health authorities are mulling over whether to raise social distancing guidelines up a notch.
Our Han Seong-woo has more.
South Korea recorded 223 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the third day in a row that it has seen over 200 new infections.
Of the newly reported cases, 193 were transmitted locally, with Seoul and the surrounding area accounting for 128.
These include extra cases stemming from cluster infections at a care center, a military welfare center, and a subway station in Seoul, as well as medical facilities across Gyeonggi-do Province.
30 cases were from overseas.
Regions outside the capital have also seen numbers rise considerably, with Gangwon-do Province reporting 20 new infections.
This has prompted health authorities to seriously consider raising the social distancing level to level 1-point-five in the capital area and Gangwon-do Province.
Most of the country has remained at Level 1 under the new five-tier system rolled out earlier this month.
But some cities have already raised their measures to Level 1.5.
The total number of cases now stands at a little under 28-thousand-8-hundred.
55 patients are currently in critical condition and the virus has claimed one more life, bringing the death toll to 494.
Han Seong-woo, Arirang News.
