• 4 years ago
AN UNUSUAL SUMMER Movie Trailer - Plot synopsis: In 2006, Kamal Aljafari's father put a surveillance camera in his house pointing at the street, in order to find out who was breaking his car window over and over again. The director recovers that footage (sound mixed by himself) to make this film, which starting from the apparent coldness of the material (where the texture just adds to the film) displays an arsenal of ingenious comments and unexpected discoveries, drawing on the neighborhood's choreography in a territory that is not at all trivial. It is the Palestinian ghetto of the city of Ramla, in the center of Israel, the hot spot of the territorial conflict, and of the memories marked by the scarcity of several generations.

Direction: Kamal Aljafari
Editing: Kamal Aljafari
Sound: Kamal Aljafari, Rob Walker
Voice: Darine Dibsi
Production: Kamal Aljafari
Production Company: Kamal Aljafari Studio