John McCain's Widow Hopes Trump Will Make Like A Tree And Leave--Gracefully

  • 4 years ago
The widow of the late Republican Sen. John McCain believes her husband 'would be very pleased' that Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump on Election Day.
Although a lifelong Republican like her husband, Cindy McCain endorsed President-elect Biden.
Business Insider reports McCain says she hopes Trump concedes gracefully, as did her late husband conceded to then-president-elect Barack Obama in 2008.
The late senator was widely praised for his moving concession speech delivered on Nov. 5, 2008, just a day after Obama's projected election win.
I really truly hope ... that this president stays on the right side of history. But also with all that said, does what's right for the country. Cindy McCain Widow of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain
Trump has refused to concede and has floated baseless theories to justify nullifying the results. He also claimed he had already won the election, despite trailing Biden and not accounting for the unprocessed ballots throughout the country.