#STOP muslim hate preachers (Anjem Choudary)

This video which 'EXPOSES' the terrorism behind "radical islam" had 1000Ks of views and comments in YouTube.
HOWEVER YouTube blocked it.
It seems YOUTUBE DOESN'T WANT PEOPLE TO see the evil behind "radical islam".

Hate UK preacher Choudary says:
- (min 00:00) Terrorism is pro-life
- (min 00:15, 01:00) Terrorism is part of Islam and Sharia law
- (min 01:00, 03:31) When ISIS takes and kills hostages, they are just following the example of the prophet Mohammed; Choudary specifically mentions verses from the Koran to confirm this. Chapter 8, Verse 60: "Make ready for them WHATEVER FORCE and strings of horses you can, TO TERRIFY thereby the enemy of God and your enemy, and others besides them that you know not; God knows them."
- (min 01:22) It is OK for muslim terrorists to kill civilians, because in Jihad/Islam there is no difference between civilians and military. The world must understand and accept this.
- (min 02:40) USA, UK are wrong on not paying ransoms to ISIS in order to free the hostages. He says that USA and UK should follow the example of France Italy, and agree to pay the ransoms.
- Women and children shouldn't be targeted by muslim terrorists. Is Choudary talking about muslim women and children only?. What about innocent civilians, Christian, Yazidis (men, children, women) killed by ISIS?. For muslims "innocent=muslim(only)".
- It is OK to kill non-muslim who don't convert to Islam.
- It was OK to kill the US journalists
- Confirms that ISIS State plans is to expand and conquer the rest of the world.
- Rejects UK laws and measures to tackle muslim terrorists (because they affect him and his followers).
- Calls to not obey international organisations and international laws, including UK laws.
- The principles(evil values) of taking hostages and killing them have not changed in Islam, they are the same today, as they were in the days of the prophet Mohammed.

Choudary suggests:
- (min 03:00) That he can easily contact by phone people(friends) who killed US journalists. Was the killer one of his pupils and disciples?

Choudary says that he speaks as a ''muslim scholar-lawyer". This means that he must be teaching and spreading the above ideas in the mosques where he preaches and in the conferences, chats and talks where he participates across the UK: London, Birmingham, etc.

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