Tamil actor and video jockey Lokesh has suffered a major stroke which paralysed the left side of his body. According to a report published in a leading portal, he is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Chennai.VJ Lokesh's friends are also sharing bank details for financial help. Lokesh played a memorable role in Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara-starrer Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, directed by Vignesh Shivan. He has also hosted a show on TV channel, Adithya and has done a few supporting roles in several films.
00:00 Start
01:14 Vijay Sethupathi Help
Reporter- Ma Pandiarajan ,Sound Engineer - Vignesh , Voice - Soundarya ,Edit - Guna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6
Tamil actor and video jockey Lokesh has suffered a major stroke which paralysed the left side of his body. According to a report published in a leading portal, he is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Chennai.VJ Lokesh's friends are also sharing bank details for financial help. Lokesh played a memorable role in Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara-starrer Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, directed by Vignesh Shivan. He has also hosted a show on TV channel, Adithya and has done a few supporting roles in several films.
00:00 Start
01:14 Vijay Sethupathi Help
Reporter- Ma Pandiarajan ,Sound Engineer - Vignesh , Voice - Soundarya ,Edit - Guna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6