Sillu Karupatti is Tamil anthology romantic film written and directed by Halitha Shameem. The film stars Samuthirakani, Nivedhithaa Sathish, Sunaina, Leela Samson, Sara Arjun, Sree Ram in the lead roles. Pradeep Kumar scored the songs and background score for the film.
Host - Krishna ,Camera - Karthick N ,Edit - Krishna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6
Sillu Karupatti is Tamil anthology romantic film written and directed by Halitha Shameem. The film stars Samuthirakani, Nivedhithaa Sathish, Sunaina, Leela Samson, Sara Arjun, Sree Ram in the lead roles. Pradeep Kumar scored the songs and background score for the film.
Host - Krishna ,Camera - Karthick N ,Edit - Krishna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - http://bit.ly/2reO1md
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6