Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) stormed to power in Delhi for a third term as election results were declared on February 11. AAP won by a massive mandate of 62 seats, just a little less than its record 67 seats in 2015. “I love you Delhi,” said Kejriwal from the party office predicting a new kind of politics with focus on public issues. The BJP, led by Amit Shah ran a massive campaign revolving around anti-CAA protests of Shaheen Bagh but this did not help them bring substantial change in the numbers. The party was confined to a single digit figure. They won 8 seats a little better than 3 in 2015. PM Narendra Modi, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, Bhihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and many others congratulated Arvind Kejriwal on the big win.