The deadly coronavirus has claimed over 6000 lives and infected more than 165000 people globally. In India, 116 cases have been confirmed with Maharashtra registering 39, the highest in the country. Amid the scare, B-Town celebs were spotted wearing masks in and around the city. Arjun Kapoor was seen wearing a mask post his clinic visit in the city. Yami Gautam too was seen wearing a mask while leaving Pooja Film’s office. Film trade analyst, Komal Nahta says that the film industry stands to lose Rs 750-800 crore owing to delay in release of films and shooting schedules. Varun Dhawan and Farhan Akhtar were seen outside a dubbing studio. Javed Akhtar, Shankar Mahadevan and Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra were also seen in the city. Jacqueline Fernandez and Saiee Manjrekar were also seen.