An extraordinary talent, actor Irrfan Khan (53) passed away on April 29 in Mumbai. The veteran actor has been laid to rest at Versova kabristan in Mumbai. “Irrfan was buried at the Versova kabristan in Mumbai at 3 pm this afternoon soon after the news of his passing away was announced. In presence were his family, close relatives and friends,” official statement released by Irrfan’s representative read. As the country is under lockdown due to coronavirus outbreak, not many from the industry could make it to the funeral. The late actor's children Babil, Ayan and his wife Sutapa Sikdar were seen outside the hospital. Filmmakers Vishal Bhardwaj, Tigmanshu Dhulia, Kapil Sharma, Mika Singh were also present for the funeral. The actor was admitted to the Kokilaben hospital on April 28 after his health deteriorated due to a colon infection. Irrfan Khan’s last project was Angrezi Medium also starring Kareena Kapoor Khan. The veteran actor had worked in several critically acclaimed films like Maqbool, Haasil, Paan Singh Tomar, Haider, The Lunchbox, Talvar and Salaam Bombay. His hit international projects include The Namesake, Life Of Pi, Inferno, Jurassic World, The Slumdog Millionaire among others