• 4 years ago
Taha Iqbal is a 15 years old obese boy from Multan, whose weight is 87 kg. He is also suffering from Crerebral Palsy-a disorder that affect a person's ability to move, maintain balance and posture. Dr Maaz ul Hassan is a famous Bariatric Surgeon who performed successful bariatric surgery and cured Taha from obesity. This case is of special importance as it’s one of its kind surgery which was performed on a obese child suffering from CP. Dr Mazz has an experiance of curing fattest man in the world weighing 612 kg and bringing him to 88 kg. Based on his expeiance, Dr Mazz claims that Taha can loose 40 to 45 kg weight in comming 6 months which will improve his movement ability as well. Watch the video for more details.

#obesechildern #childhoodobesity #weightlosssurgery

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