• 5 years ago
Britain makes a noise.
An actual noise, did you know that?

It groans.
It's been groaning for some time.

A hum, that only very few people can hear.

Never stopping.

A million important questions to be asked of our nation.

Our species, our planet, and no-one's asking the right ones.

All I hear is noise.

“Do you have any thoughts?”

Yeah, it's fucked, we're all fucked.

“What are your thoughts on providing strategy for our many clients?”

Be polite. Engaged.

Don't tell them what you're really thinking.

“So... what do you think?”

What do I think?

Just breathe, and think of Mary. Breathe?

I think...

“Dominic? What do you think?”


I think...

Oh, shit.

Stupid. You should advise your businesses that as a global society we are entering a series of profound economic, cultural, social and political transitions, the like of which The World has never seen.

Educated people are the most stupid.

Massive increase in resource requirements.

You need an Odyssean education. A rising tide of religious extremism.

A synthesis of...intergenerational inequality in The West on an historic level.

Apollonian rationality and Dionysian intuition.

I would tell them that for the past years, decades, even, this firm has FAILED to prepare ANY of them for ANY of it.

We live in a multiverse of differing branches of History.

And, in a different branch of History, I was never here, some of you voted differently, and this never happened.

But I was.

And it did.

Everyone knows who won.

But not everyone knows how.

