Full version Relentless Joy (Relentless, #3) For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
A girl without a family.A man whose family cut him off.Val has a talent for walling off her heart. But Jimmy broke through her barriers. Will he be there for her?Jimmy put himself though West Point to become an officer and a gentleman despite his family. He?s always charged ahead after what he wanted. Can he set his dreams aside to save Val when his idols are toppling? can Jimmy stand for what?s right or will he go down?When all she has left is fear, can Val find her way out of the crumbling walls of her life?This third installment of the Relentless series shows the orgin of the Salem and Wheaten families. Join Jimmy and Val in 1932. and fall in love with how this saga began, because when you tear down the walls, there?s room for joy to grow.
