• 4 years ago
TV actor Prachi Tehlan, best known for starring in the show Diya Aur Baati Hum married Rohit Saroha in New Delhi recently. On August 9, she shared the pictures from her wedding and they have been trending on social media. Prachi shared multiple pictures from her big day on Instagram. And Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ family has been extended. Priyanka Chopra recently shared a picture of herself along with husband Nick Jonas and their pets Gino, Diana, and Panda. The couple recently adopted a dog and named him Panda. Whenever Disha Patani shares a picture on social media, she takes the internet by storm. Her recent Instagram post is surely raising the temperature. Clad in chic attire, Disha is looking like a complete stunner. Meanwhile, the diva was clicked in the city clicking selfie with a fan. She kept it simple in t-shirt and shorts. Sanjay Dutt, who was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on August 8 after complaining of breathlessness, has now been discharged. On August 8, Sanjay Dutt tweeted that he had tested negative for COVID-19 but would be kept ‘under medical observation’.


