• 5 years ago
Neha Kakkar tied the knot with fellow singer Rohanpreet Singh on October 24. Pictures and videos of the celebrations are thrilling the Internet. After marrying each other in an Anand Karaj ceremony at a gurudwara in Delhi, the two had another grand varmala ceremony with their friends and family in attendance. The wedding celebrations also included a haldi, mehendi and a sangeet ceremony with Neha getting the name ‘Rohan’ drawn on her ring finger. Fan clubs have also shared videos from the couple's engagement ceremony. The couple also had a roka ceremony. Alia Bhatt had a few special guests at her mom Soni Razdan's birthday celebrations on October 25. Alia’s boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor and his family joined in for the celebrations at the Bhatt residence. Glimpses of the get together have been shared on Instagram by Alia and her sister Shaheen. One photo, featuring the Bhatts and the Kapoors, has gone particularly viral after Ranbir's sister Riddhima shared it as an Instagram story. The beautiful Sara Ali Khan stepped out with her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan to visit their father Saif Ali Khan. Saif’s sister Soha Ali khan and her husband Kunal Kemmu were also spotted at his residence.


