Wowonder Social Network Script from CodeCanyon - Instant Messenger Bugs - Reloading Every 5 Seconds

  • 4 years ago
Just one of many bugs in the Wowonder social network script from CodeCanyon, rendering the script completely useless. Support just says "Safari isn't maintained" and "Our script isn't compatible with Cloudflare".

I reported this bug Monday, today is Friday and still cannot use this $125 script, absolute shocking support.

The frustration got to me so I wrote an honest 2 star review, that magically went missing, as though I hadn't rated the script. Seems Envato don't like anyone giving this expensive script anything less than 5 stars!

Down to the nitty gritty of this bug:

1. No I am not using Cloudflare, it doesn't matter if I do or not, the bug persists with or without Cloudflare. You can check the DNS records, they are not pointing to Cloudflare name servers.
2. This bug is in both Safari and Chrome. The video shows Safari, reverse the way I replicate the bug by opening Safari first and then the IM window in Chrome and it does the exact same thing, reloads the entire website every 5 seconds, rendering the entire social network useless!

I am uploading this video and will upload more videos of the bugs that Wowonder has because this is a last resort. The support don't care, they have excuse after excuse, first its Safari is no longer maintained, next they say their script doesn't work on Cloudflare. Truth is, they are selling a useless script for a lot of money and Envato are milking it.

Other bugs include privacy options. You set your profile to "People I Follow" to who can follow you, and yet, when a user signs up, your profile appears in the list of 20 users to follow! How is that privacy? It's not!

Anyone can comment on your posts, even if you have "People I Follow" set in privacy options. You need to create the post and select the dropdown menu and set it to "People I follow". Very confusing system for members to use, but the developer thinks its fine like that!

PNGs don't upload in Safari, you know due to Safari no longer being maintained by Apple. Thats complete rubbish! Safari on my MacBook just updated to the latest version when I updated my MacBook to Mojave. Also Safari is the 2nd most used browser after Chrome. If you buy a script for $125 you expect it to work in all browsers, especially the most popular.

The development team are lazy, they don't care, they have made their money and Envato are corrupt by removing possibly 100s of 1 star reviews because they are just as corrupt and greedy as the developers!

End of the day, if you have $125 to spend on a social networking script, just avoid spending it on Wowonder, you will be badly disappointed.
