Sport Prototype car testing at the Buenos Aires racetrack 1969

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the Almirante Brown municipal road where the Sport Prototype tests are carried out for the first date of the 1969 season. General views of the pilot training where the IKA Liebre MKI Tornado cars are seen running (21) by Jorge Ternengo; Chevrolet Coupe (04) by Jose Gallo; IKA Liebre MKIII Tornado (27) by Cesar Horacio Malnatti; IKA Torino-Crespi Tornado (06) by Alfredo Peirano. General views of the car Trueno Dorado (08) of Oscar "Cacho" Fangio stopped in the pits. Report where the journalist Juan Carlos Perez Loizzeau comments: - "He also finishes his training with his thunder that is not orange, it is gold, also built by Horacio Steven and Chevrolet mechanic. Cacho Fangio, whom we see giving some instruction to a collaborator about the problem in the fuel tanks or something similar. " Report on Oscar "Cacho" Fangio, in which he is asked: - What problems do you have, Cachito? -Does the car feel good, do you feel good? -Do you have little time to continue testing? Report on Carlos Alberto Reutemann, in which he is asked: -Looking at what others are doing on the track, Carlos Reutemann who seems to be walking? (In his statements he replies that the only thing he is going to run is possibly with a Formula 2 car belonging to the Automovil Club Argentino) -Huayra is not yet ready for the prototype? - Weren't you going to go to Europe? -Did you eat your nails this year, next year and up to your elbows I imagine? -Are there more complications here, more family obligations, in any case it could be that there was an international season, that the atmosphere would move in that sense again and that next year you will be 28 years old, maybe you can get the pleasure of it and give us give us the opportunity to really know if everything you promised can be fulfilled, how much do we need on the other hand? (Juan Carlos Perez Loizzeau)
Date: 3/7/1969
Duration: 5 minutes 29 seconds
Film Code: C-01249

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