Indigenous protestors deface statue of Spanish Queen Isabella in Ecuador

Zenger News

by Zenger News

This is the moment Ecuadorian riot cops disperse a crowd of indigenous activists trying to deface a colonial statue on Columbus Day. The statue of Isabella I of Castile, also known as Isabel the Catholic, was attacked by the indigenous activists in the Ecuadorian capital Quito because of her support for Christopher Columbus and the colonisation of the Americas. Protesters said they represent 528 years of indigenous resistance. Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries in the Americas which officially celebrates the anniversary of Columbus's arrival in the Americas on 12th October 1492. In 2011, Ecuador declared October 12th as the ‘Day of Interculturality and Plurinationality’ to correct the significance of this date. The Indigenous and Peasant Movement of Cotopaxi (MIIC) claimed the demonstration was marred by police brutality on Twitter: “During an act of declaration on the day of resistance taking place at the Isabel the Catholic monument, the forces of order attacked with brutality.” Protesters reportedly threw red paint over the statue, including MIIC president Leonidas Iza. Activist also made several attempts to demolish the monument of Queen Isabel, who they believe represents the genocide of the peoples of America. The local authorities were forced to use tear gas and water cannons positioned on armoured vehicles to disperse the crowds, according to media source Sputnik. The protesters withdrew to avoid further clashes with the police.