About For Books Cocktails for Drinkers: Not-Even-Remotely-Artisanal, Three-Ingredient-or-Less

  • 4 years ago
Homemade pineapple-Sriracha syrup, giant spherical ice cubes, gin made from herbs picked by Armenian nuns and distilled with holy water . . . all for the low low price of $16 (in Brooklyn dollars). The artisanal cocktail movement is, let?s face it, not for everyone. What about drinks for the rest of us? The boozers who just want a good, stiff cocktail wecan make at home after a day at work? What if you don?t own an ice-shaving kit or grow organic rosemary in your backyard? What if you're using a mug with your hand over it to mix your gimlet instead of the bespoke copper cocktail shaker you see at every joint in Bushwick? Rejoice, this book is for you.