Trump questions Pelosi's fitness as third in line to the presidency - News Today

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Donald Trump claimed Sunday that Nancy Pelosi is not fit to serve as questions over her status as third-in-line to the presidency emerge after she formed a commission on removing from office presidents deemed unfit.'I don't think she could pass basic aptitude test personally,' Trump told Fox News Sunday morning. 'I really don't, I don't believe it.'The comments come as concerns from conservatives arise over the fact Pelosi could rise to power in the case of a contested election.On Friday, Pelosi rolled out legislation to set up a commission under the 25th Amendment to weigh whether a president is incapacitated.She claimed the move had nothing to do with potentially removing COVID-19-stricken President Donald Trump and having Vice President Mike Pence take over. Trump reiterated during his interview on 'Sunday Morning Futures' with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo that he believes Pelosi wants to set up the commission to prepare for replacing Joe Biden with the much more progressive option, vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, should they win in November. 'I think she's talking about Joe Biden, because, to be honest with you, he's the one that's got the problem,' Trump said of Pelosi's comments Friday when announcing the commission.'It's obvious to anybody that watches him speak. He's the one that has the problem. And they want to put a super radical left person in, like Kamala, who's worse than – who's further left than Bernie Sanders,' he continued.He added: 'A lot of people think that she's talking about Joe Biden, getting him out.' Trump often has questioned Biden's fitness to serve as president, dubbing the candidate 'Sleepy Joe' and making reference to his frequent gaffes and supposed lack of physical and mental stamina.Conspiracies have swirled since Biden's announcement that the 77-year-old candidate is really just paving the way for his vice president to take over his seat in the Oval Office shortly after taking office if he defeats Trump.'Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!' Trump tweeted Friday.Pelosi heavily hyped the upcoming legislative move on Thursday but when she unveiled the plan, immediately made clear it was in effect a troll against the president.'This is not about president Trump. He will face the judgement of the voters,' Pelosi told reporters in a press conference at the Capitol.'He shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents,' she said.Pelosi faced repeated questions about her intentions as she noted a day earlier that the president was medicated and questioned his 'capacity' in a letter to co
