Island Adventure Documentary Movie - Reunion island - Plot synopsis: On Reunion Island, east of Madagascar, travelers hike around, giving the excellent cinematographers the opportunity to show the island. The characters do not interact with each other. There is no plot. This is geography at its best.
When three individuals embark on a journey to look for a missing photographer, they're confronted with the wildest rainforest, giant waterfalls, and unexplored canyons. The adventurers end up right in the heart of a volcanic eruption and get to experience the beauty that is possessed by this world.
Director: Alain Gerente, Jean-Pierre Chardon
When three individuals embark on a journey to look for a missing photographer, they're confronted with the wildest rainforest, giant waterfalls, and unexplored canyons. The adventurers end up right in the heart of a volcanic eruption and get to experience the beauty that is possessed by this world.
Director: Alain Gerente, Jean-Pierre Chardon
Short film