Creepozoids Movie trailer (1987) - Plot synopsis: Your flesh will CRAWL right off your SKIN! Set in 1998, six years after an apocalyptic nuclear war, a group of army deserters take refuge from acid rain in a seemingly abandoned laboratory complex... When a band of desperate deserters flee into the desert, they stumble across an underground lab where they discover a horror even greater than war itself. A mysterious substance transforms one of the men into a deadly creature. Now trapped, the four survivors must destroy the blood-thirsty beast...or die in its dripping jaws. Starring scream-queen LINNEA QUIGLEY! (Return of The Living Dead), (Night of the Demons)
Genre: Horror, Science-fiction
directed by David DeCoteau
starring Linnea Quigley, Ken Abraham, Michael Aranda, Richard S. Hawkins, Kim McKamy
Genre: Horror, Science-fiction
directed by David DeCoteau
starring Linnea Quigley, Ken Abraham, Michael Aranda, Richard S. Hawkins, Kim McKamy
Short film