• 4 years ago
Spirulina algae: few people know it, even though you should consume it every day!

Learn about the positive properties and benefits of consuming spirulina and use one of the most effective dietary supplements regularly to maintain your health!

Spirulina is a microalgae that has been consumed since ancient times and was well known for its healing and positive nutritional properties. Spirulina is a bluish-green algae that grows mostly in the salt lakes of subtropical climates, but is also found in the ocean. Those who regularly consume microalgae can enjoy its long-term positive health effects.

1. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Microalgae have a very high antioxidant content and therefore provide protection for DNA against oxidative stress. Stress can cause chronic inflammation in the long run, thus contributing to the development of many diseases, including cancer.

2. Against anemia

Microalgae contain up to 20 times more iron than spinach, so in many cases they are also recommended by doctors as they are very effective in case of calcium or iron deficiency.

3. In case of cardiovascular diseases

It is extremely rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which is why spirulina stabilizes blood pressure but also lowers it when needed. It also lowers bad cholesterol levels, and reports have even shown that the improvement is noticeable after the first few days.

4. Cell regenerator

After a certain age, the cells regenerate much worse. Due to its nucleic acid content, spirulina slows down the aging process, replenishes energy, but also has a positive effect on mood swings. Due to its cell regenerating effect, it is recommended to use spirulina as a cure even after chemotherapy.

5. Provides protection for the stomach

In addition to its high protein, chlorophyll and vitamin content, spirulina also has the positive effect of neutralizing excess stomach acid. If you consume spirulina regularly, your digestion will improve, but it will relieve the symptoms of stomach ulcers and other various stomach problems.

6. Relieves allergies

Studies have shown that 2 grams of spirulina a day already relieves the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, itchy nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough.

7. Reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels

Spirulina increases nitric oxide levels, which is why it regulates the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels. In addition, microalgae are recommended for the treatment of oral lesions due to cancer.

8. It has a weight-loss effect

Microalgae have a very high protein content, they can contain up to 50-70% protein. Because they are low in calories, they can also be effectively incorporated into a weight loss diet as they help get rid of the extra pounds. It promotes muscle regeneration after weight loss and helps maintain optimal energy levels.

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