Biden - in lockdown 'some black woman' worked 'to stack the grocery' - News Today

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For any copyright, please send me a message. Joe Biden has found himself being criticized for saying that he had the luxury of staying at home during the pandemic because 'some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf'.The Democratic presidential nominee made the comments last month, but the clip went viral on Monday after it was picked up by a pro-Trump group, and retweeted by Donald Trump Jr.He was speaking to a group of veterans in Tampa, Florida, on September 15 and was asked about the pandemic. Biden said he was optimistic, despite the challenges facing the United States.'And they say: "Well, why in the hell would you say that Biden? You just talked about all these difficulties,"' he told the audience. Share this article Share 'Well, I'll tell you why. Because the American public, the blinders have been taken off. 'They've all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. 'They're saying: "Jeez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Or a young Hispanic is out there, these dreamers are out there, 60,000 of them acting as first responders and nurses and docs." 'Or all of a sudden people are realizing: "My Lord, these people have done so much. Not just black, white, across the board, have done so much for me. We can do this. We can get things done." 'And I think they're ready.'The remarks were seized upon as further evidence of Biden's tendency to make gaffes. Some said it showed racial prejudice.'My GOD' said Rob Smith, a contributor to Turning Point USA, a pro-Trump student movement. Conservative author Dave Rubin said it echoed Biden's much-mocked comment that 'you ain't black if you vote for Trump'.Rubin tweeted: 'You ain't black if you ain’t stocking a grocery shelf for Joe Biden.' His tweet was retweeted by Trump Jr.'Today's clips prove that Trump's strategy last week was a poor one. The more you let Biden speak the better,' noted one.'He will be fine after the unconscious bias training course,' said another.The Biden campaign is yet to comment.


