Catch the first white shark from the depths of the sea - Where are white sharks found-

  • 4 yıl önce

The first-ever albino all-white shark was reeled in by a deep-sea fisherman, who did what he had to do before letting it go back in the wild ... snap an awesome pic!!!

Jason Gillespie of England was fishing with some friends last week off Britain near the Isle of Wight when he caught the 3-foot tope shark ... an entirely white one due to leucism, a condition where the skin loses all of its pigmentation.

Jason said ... "I've been fishing for 30 years and I've never seen one like that."

Though he says he normally would release a tope shark right away because they are a protected species, he knew this one was special ... so he had to bring it on board for a few photos before releasing it back in the sea.

Jason says they released it quickly though, and it was fine.

He adds ... "What're the chances? I have no idea. It's the fish of a lifetime, one in a million."

Though it's believed Jason's the only person to get proof of catching an albino shark, he says he's heard of another fisherman in Wales who caught one years ago ... but much smaller.

Albino sharks generally struggled to survive because of their color. They don't get the same camouflage while hunting. Apparently, this one has managed just fine so far.

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), also known as the great white, white shark or "white pointer", is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. It is notable for its size, with larger female individuals growing to 6.1 m (20 ft) in length and 1,905–2,268 kg (4,200–5,000 lb) in weight at maturity.[3][4][5] However, most are smaller; males measure 3.4 to 4.0 m (11 to 13 ft), and females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m (15 to 16 ft) on average.[4][6] According to a 2014 study, the lifespan of great white sharks is estimated to be as long as 70 years or more, well above previous estimates,[7] making it one of the longest lived cartilaginous fishes currently known.[8] According to the same study, male great white sharks take 26 years to reach sexual maturity, while the females take 33 years to be ready to produce offspring.[9] Great white sharks can swim at speeds of 25 km/hr (16 mph)[10] for short bursts and to depths of 1,200 m (3,900 ft).