Announced China's worst flood season damage in 22 years - China news

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Announced China's worst flood season damage in 22 years.
China's worst flood season since 1998 killed 271 people and caused more than $ 29 billion in direct economic damage.

More than 70 million Chinese from 28 provinces and cities were affected by the 2020 flood season - the worst since 1998 to date - resulting in a direct economic loss of more than 200 billion yuan (29 billion). USD) - Global Times newspaper quoted Chinese officials as saying on 3 September.

Officials also warned that some parts of western China should be on the lookout for potential flooding in the fall.

A total of 751 rivers in China have passed the warning level and several major rivers including the Yangtze, the Yellow River and the Taihu River have suffered flooding. For the first time these three major river basins have experienced a flooding on a regional or above average level since 1998, Li Kungang from the Department of Emergency Management (MEM) said at the September 3 press conference. .

The world's biggest three Gorges dams during the 2020 flood season have suffered five major floods. The peak was on 20 August, the flow into the Three Gorges reservoir dams to 75,000 cubic meters per second. The Three Gorges dam had to open 11 flood outlets with a discharge of 49,400 cubic meters per second.

Deputy Minister of Emergency Management Diep Kien Xuan admitted that this year's flooding consequences were the worst since 1998 in a variety of regions of China - affecting at least 70.4 million people from 28 provinces. - and the direct economic loss was 214.3 billion yuan ($ 29 billion).

However, the number of deaths and disappearances this year tended to decrease, Diep said, adding that a total of 271 people were killed or missing due to natural disasters, 49.8 percent lower than the average of same period last 5 years.

China displaced about 4.69 million people to safety during the flood season, the highest number in recent years.

The central government has also allocated 2.575 billion yuan in relief funds, 195,000 yuan relief materials and 134 million yuan of flood control materials.

On the same September 3, the Ministry of Finance said that China had allocated 800 million yuan (about $ 117.1 million) to support agricultural production and relief natural disasters in the flooded areas.

The money will be used to restore flood-damaged irrigation facilities and agriculture, livestock and fishing industries in 11 disaster-affected provincial areas, including Anhui provinces. and Sichuan, as well as the city of Chongqing.

Earlier, on September 2, China lifted the emergency response to level 4 flood control in the Yangtze River basin when the water level dropped below the warning level, ending 63 days of emergency response. Flood control in the area, starting on February 2.
