VicPol arrest & stupidity..harassed me then went after 80yr lady on a park bench, refused to provide their ID

  • 4 years ago
Just walking in the park, this kid asked if I could record his arrest by the police for him and while doing so I had the misfortune of yet another miserable experience with Victoria's finest.
8 minutes of this is my engagement with the police over my not wearing a mask.
From 8:15 is just gold....going after nana.
From 10:00 3 police refused to provide their identification.
Close up of nana at 11:30
After I stopped filming they put him in a police car. I have blurred his face as a courtesy to him.
I walked away and 40 metres later was stopped by 3 more police officers...who were wonderful, polite and knew the law. Unlike every other goon that day.
