About For Books The Bitcoin Generation Review

  • 4 years ago
Guys, you have been sleeping! In 2008, something began to creep in, like a newborn virus waiting to become Ebola and trigger a pandemic. A virus that meanwhile had been implanted into over 1 million heads and users voluntarily installed this virus on their computers.The BitCoin came to stay is a popular quote that is used more and more often today. Others say, BitCoin will eventually be replaced by another digital currency, because it is only the beginning, and as with many beginnings, the true potential of a digital currency will come later. The wholeidea has only one catch.You cannot just see the BitCoin as a means of payment or a value transfer system. You cannot disassociate the BitCoin from the BitCoin Blockchain. Due to the importance of the BitCoin for freedom, selfdetermination and a symbol of peace, to escape surveillance and to free oneself from the countries tampering, the question arises, how anonymous am I in this BitCoin world? Edward Snowden has shown us, we are no longer free, but totally supervised.
