An elderly fossil hunter who amazingly collected more than 8,000 valuable prehistoric remains dating back millions of years is facing jail. The subject of ownership of fossils has come to the fore of late after David Attenborough publicly gave Prince George a 23-million-year-old fossilised tooth from a giant shark (Carcharocles megalodon), initially sparking demands from Malta where it was found on the beach for it to be returned. However, the Maltese appear to have gone back on the demand now and said that the young Prince can keep the tooth, but the man in Spain whose collection included fossils that were up to 45 million years old is unlikely to be so lucky. The Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalan police) said in a press statement obtained by Newsflash that 8,244 paleontological artefacts had been found at the man’s house after being removed from various archaeological sites in the provinces of Barcelona, Lleida, and Huesca in the Spanish region of Catalonia. The artefacts are aged between 35 and 45 million years old.