Competitive Niche Keyword Ideas – 3 Easy Steps!

  • 4 years ago
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Hello, today I want to talk about how to find competitive niche keyword ideas and give you 3 easy steps.

You can use these ideas for either vlog a video or they will work with blog.

This way you have an endless amount of ideas on how to create content. Plus, how to determine the competition and searches of these keywords.

The reason this is important is because you want low competition keywords, so you can get more views and thus more sales down the line.

Step 1 is to make a list of every single keyword that is attached to your niche. In this step you really have to brainstorm. For example, if your in the make money online niche, think of everything attached to making money online.

Some examples could be traffic, squeeze page, email marketing and affiliate offers. Then with all those words you should drill down even farther. Every word that is attached to a word write it down.

An example of this would be for email marketing there are different services, headlines, the rate you send emails, bounce rates and much more.

You are looking for a niche of a niche of niche right? Keep going until you have a massive list of words related to your niche. The more the better.

Step 2 is to sign up for VidIQ.

In VidIQ you are going to have to upgrade your plan. The good news is there is a promo code you can use called maytheviewsbewithyou and this gives you 30 days free.

You could use it for 30 days get a years worth of content ideas and then quit.

Then what you do is simply go to the search icon and write each word into the search and it will give you 100 hundred additional ideas of keywords.

It tells you the competition and searches as well. I'm a little skeptical of the search results, sometimes they show 0, but they probably get searched. Just use your common sense.

Your looking for something without a lot of competition, good searches and 3 words and above.

Write down all the ideas you like either in a word document or a spreadsheet. You could even drill down farther if you want.

You could write 1 keyword into Google and at the bottom of the search page it will give you even more ideas. There is This can brainstorm a list of more ideas. There is Ubersuggests which can give you more ideas and even Google Keyword Planner.

Step 3 is to do additional research on the competition of the keyword your going for. If it's a YouTube video you could type a keyword into the Youtube search.

If many of the videos in the search results don't have your exact keywords then that is a good sign you can rank for it. If it seems like YouTube is reaching then that is good. Also, how old are the videos could be another good sign.

If you want to look at the competition of a blog, type in the keyword into Google. Are the top results
