Triomphant Class Submarine

  • 4 years ago
The Triomphant class of ballistic missile submarines of the French Navy is the active lead boat class of four boats that entered service in 1997, 1999, 2004, and 2010. These four superseded the older Redoutable class, and they provide the ocean-based component (the Force océanique stratégique) of France's nuclear deterrent strike force, the Force de Frappe. Their home port is Île Longue, Roadstead of Brest, Western Brittany.
00:04 we are at the end of the Breton point
00:07 this is where the best kept secret in France is hidden right in front of
00:15 the harbor of brest the long island the most confidential military site
00:19 of the French army is the base of the four nuclear launchers
00:26 gear among these four vessels the vigilant
00:30 flagship of the navy in the early morning they are preparing for a
00:33 diving into the depths of the Atlantic for the first time sandy
00:37 submariners will form a new crew
00:39 among them 30% of new recruits they have never sailed together but they
00:45 will have to unite for the same goal [Music]
00:51 prove they are capable of taking control of this warship
00:56 it all starts with the building's equipment to move 138 submarine
01:01 meters long they are more than 20 sailors at the maneuver
01:05 without the help of the pushers, this vessel, so dreaded under the sea, is almost
01:10 helpless on each exit, he is accompanied by an imposing escort
01:15 helicopter frigate of the navy are on the war footing
01:18 we must at all costs protect this jewel of technology of more than 8 billion
01:22 euros the pillar of military defense
01:25 french towards oliva the coat advancing to dump
01:35 it's the great moment the submarine finally takes its liberty to find
01:39 the shallows and we are autonomous, our propulsion seems for the grandmother
01:45 this great mother they all dreamed of they have a week to convince a
01:50 week of training where they will have to prove that they are able to
01:53 conduct and ensure the safety of such a building for all under
01:58 sailors is an exhilarating feeling where power and helplessness mingle with
02:04 summit of the massif perched 20 meters above the sea
02:06 the captain of the burin des roziers 47 years old 16 years old navy on the clock
02:12 he is the commander the pasha as we say in the navy he is the only master
02:18 on board these seven days will be crucial because it is with this new crew that he
02:23 will embark on a new three-month mission
02:26 the anglo-saxons call for spain and the senate of service no noise we
02:31 do not know what we do we never talk about what we do here but we
02:35 is still there lurking in the depths 15 only there the
02:42 sailors are recalled by the Pasha their fate is sealed except in emergencies they
02:46 will no longer have any contact with their staff their families their
02:50 close they will be left to themselves for the duration of the training
02:56 before plunging into the abyss of the ocean, the security guard still sees
03:00 navigate the surface long enough to leave the continental shelf
03:08 let's go for the most beautiful adventure of their career a human adventure
03:12 extraordinary technical and operational
03:18 it will wiggle it and close and will only reopen once qualifying
03:21 of the 110 sailors acquired
03:28 [Music]
03:35 in the belly of this steel monster it's a real city that comes to life
03:40 under the sea a labyrinth of corridor to the whole submarine must very quickly
03:44 learn to squeeze through the hundreds of cables, pipes and
03:48 engines that power the 70,000 pieces of equipment over thirty trades are
03:52 necessary for its proper functioning an incredible and confined universe divided
03:57 in three zones
04:04 at the rear a nuclear power plant provides propulsion and produces
04:08 also electricity drinking water oxygen
04:13 in the center the two firing rooms and its 16 nuclear missiles and in the front
04:17 the living space 400 m² divided into 3 inches where the 110 sailors live, eat and sleep
04:25 and the heart of the submarine is the operational center a piece of 50
04:29 square meters where around fifteen analyst engineers take turns
04:33 mechanics and pilots this is the command room
04:40 it for two years the crew of the villain is
04:45 the only submarine force to include female officers
04:49 a revolution for the navy elite 70
05:04 this week all will be graded to judge collectively or individually a
05:10 additional pressure for the 30% of young people who join this new crew
05:16 they have everything to prove just as damien is this party
05:23 he is one of the young pilots he spent three months in inter training which
05:28 represents more than a hundred hours on a simulator but without ever seeing my
05:31 mother the tension is palpable it's the big day for him his first
05:36 test he is preparing to pilot a submarine for the first time in full size
05:44 real a baptism by the sea
05:50 the first step for damien is to learn about the settings
05:54 current stunned submarine
05:58 it works even our power stations I raise them for that it must be
06:02 bring cyril the referent who has been piloting the building for 4 hours
06:09 of course these will be at the dip bar 11 m 8 h 9 of our six us
06:16 are on the way to 1.4 pressure on rules we settle the young second
06:23 master is alone in command and for the first time in his career
06:26 the navy's most advanced warship at your fingertips
06:30 for them it's still a period when people are tested globally so
06:35 indeed there are challenges of their qualifications an evaluation
06:38 that it is a certain grain pressure the pressure is all the stronger as
06:43 the exercise is done under the gaze of the pasha and the second damien take all
06:47 the extent of its responsibilities
06:55 it's very big c even if it is
07:00 very heavy we still feel that the very sensitive to the sea and behind
07:06 media 120 people must be guaranteed instant
07:11 [Music] two power plants is good for you
07:16 reassure he can count on master paschal his superior ben for him yes
07:20 that's it that's it first he left induced memories
07:25 [Music] how do you live it very well if the real one
07:30 or not
07:36 despite his young experience damien does not let anything go he is so
07:40 concentrates that they quickly spot that the submarine is deviating from
07:43 its trajectory, the vessel is struggling to stay on course
07:46 205 degrees is set by the commander ben de sandal yes their passion manu tu
07:51 will come back for royal 4
07:55 1 ah yes yes one of sabratha's rivals to
07:59 without manu you put on the right hand on the left 23 of impulse on images it is difficult to
08:06 hold on to put the vigilant back on course
08:12 damien passing manual and finds himself alone at the controls for him it is a
08:16 childhood dream come true I think I was already a sailor in civilian life
08:21 before it's my great uncle and temara
08:27 in the royal 40 years ago and we discussed for a while that I
08:34 think i was joining the navy
08:36 the first challenge is met for the young driver under the eyes of the division
08:40 training he scores points but nothing is won the hardest part
08:44 to come the vigilant has left the Breton coast
08:50 the submarine arrives in the area of ​​the bottom of the Atlantic
08:54 in a few minutes it will plunge, dilute itself into the abyss and become
08:58 undetectable the pasha burin des roziers takes control of this maneuver
09:07 delicate and reminds all the most experienced sailors to their posts
09:13 at the first dive as a mirror how the boat dives how it
09:17 manages to maintain it well stabilize it imposes mail in English it will be
09:21 quite sporty diving is not done with the power of the nuclear engine but
09:26 to the quantity of water that the submarine absorbs in its tanks placed at
09:29 the front and rear the vigilante years will pass in less than 5000
09:33 from 10,000 to 14,000 tonnes which will allow it to reach the
09:38 depths [Music]
09:43 all the operational center is mobilized the concentration can be read on all
09:48 faces success of this maneuver is based on the work of more than 20
09:52 sailors and although they all have experience every step of this
09:55 operation is going to be judged is counted for their final score each each auto in
10:02 either we have our moment and then here we go to the signal project it is at this moment
10:07 there I can shine quai des arts how we are adorned dived 23
10:15 meters of snow from power plants at 23.8 do begin diving goals are the heads of
10:25 quarter attention it will purge the maneuver take place under the gaze
10:30 attentive to damien this is the first dive of his career
10:35 [Music]
10:43 no
10:49 the immersion of the building sets off a race against time
10:53 the pressure will become increasingly strong all along the 138 meters of the
10:57 hull and there are many risks in the passageways, the mechanics
11:00 rush to the four corners of the building to check that the holes in the
11:04 submarine resists well launched sharply they know every nook and cranny and in
11:10 in record time he climbs between the pipes and the engines in search of
11:13 the slightest voice of water that would endanger the mission
11:16 so in fact we have just changed the immersion and at every level of 50
11:21 meters we check that the boat is waterproof
11:24 we do not take water so we hurry to see if we have the integrity of the
11:30 hull buildings and in this case
11:34 when the submarine dives it immediately disappears from the carpet radars
11:38 in the depths it becomes a formidable weapon and undetectable the vigilant
11:43 unable to fire these missiles and hit a target over 9000 km
11:47 without anyone knowing where they are
11:49 a strike force which is the key to French nuclear strategy throughout
11:55 not everyone knows that France has a deterrent weapon
11:59 nuclear power and that it has the means of the employee there may be a
12:04 questioning about the conditions when
12:06 when would the red line be crossed but fortunately we did not have
12:10 been in this situation if we haven't been, maybe it's thanks
12:13 to the fact that we have it
12:20 nobody knows where we are neither in France nor abroad in France a little more
12:24 because the areas that are allocated are allocated by the French General Staff
12:29 and submarine forces but who does not know himself in areas are
12:34 gigantic does not know itself we find them at the bottom of
12:40 the atlantic on the scene of a week of intensive testing
12:42 it has been over ten years since sea training
12:46 professionalized technological development pushes all crews
12:50 to perfect a sea monster as sophisticated as it is dangerous
12:56 [Music] aboard submarines this word sounds the
13:02 wake up crew members hello one go have a nice day 7 a.m.
13:15 morning the crew get into action the mission can start the 110 sailors
13:19 will have 168 hours to qualify and prove that they all have their place in
13:23 board at the operational center Maxime is the head of the division
13:30 training surrounded by his two assistants he triggers the first
13:35 stopwatch exercise in hand a scenario that will put the crew to the test
13:40 during training breaks down into two parts and training on land
13:45 on a simulator but which is necessary but not sufficient the integration is done
13:49 at sea with all watch positions that are armed
13:52 and effectively we assess their ability to drive and navigate safely and
13:57 ensure the mission the watch positions are those who take turns in
14:01 four hours 24 hours to allow the submarines to never stop them
14:05 and all the crew will be rated on their responsiveness during this test
14:15 they have three minutes to equip themselves they will be assessed on their ability
14:20 quickly face different situations
14:22 the timed training division their chances of survival
14:29 dell alerts all the men to mobilize and runs towards the equipment
14:32 intervention all in addition to their post received firefighter training
14:38 an obligation when integrating submarine forces
14:43 at the start we don't know where we are going we know there is an incident maybe even
14:47 a serious accident we do not know what it affects
14:50 whatever is going to break down are the transmissions to the market
14:54 what cheap electricity so we bring together all the teams
14:57 security yes of course yes everyone is taillable and corveable thanks for
15:06 this qualification exercise the three coaches imagined the scenario the
15:10 most feared by submariners the assembly it simulates a short circuit which
15:15 started a fire in one of the passageways the smoke in this
15:20 closed environment can spread quickly and suffocate all men
15:24 as in 2017 when the Argentinian navy lost one of its submarines and its 44
15:29 crew members
15:36 [Music] tania
15:39 to be the most responsive some of the oms equips with simple masks to
15:44 detect as quickly as possible the place of health to breathe it plugs into the
15:49 oxygen network of the submarine but the connections are sometimes
15:52 spaced several meters apart and it is in apnea that they must progress
15:56 fire caught in the lowered thousand a computer cabinet
16:16 the fire is located in the lower part next to the warhead room
16:20 in this situation, the entire submarine is reorganized to intervene
16:24 as quickly as possible because every second coast a coordinator is sent as close as possible
16:29 from the area invaded by smoke, it is Nicolas Lieutenant-Commander who receives
16:33 information from firefighters in the area
16:37 its mission is to determine the damage and deploy the teams
16:41 the scale of the sinister affair comes to the area for the anc is not
16:45 okay we could those who wants to pump they have the order sent to the refectory to
16:50 the shelter of the drums and camille lieutenant (navy) leads the support team
16:57 it is one of the three women on board who manages the situation normally she
17:02 is stationed at the operational center but it is up to her to ensure the needs
17:06 relief of firefighters or additional extinguishers
17:11 to respond to the coordinator's request for reinforcements nothing in the way of the future
17:14 the young pilot as a heavy firefighter to continue the exercise
17:18 [Music] it's his first fight against fire
17:26 for its 30% of young submariner it's a little more pressure because
17:31 already they have never recovered from training so already it's a bit
17:34 the unknown for there is still a small stake on certain qualifications and
17:39 certain capacities we are waiting for them finally they must be there who answer
17:44 present and that they know how to have the right gestures of amiens must identify
17:47 precisely where the focus of health is located he uses a thermal camera
17:51 to detect it is passed through the metal doors of the cabinets
17:55 techniques he must ensure that the fire does not
17:57 not propagate all the information collected by the coordinator goes back
18:06 at seo the operational center
18:10 [Music] the head of the training division
18:14 ensures that everyone analyzed finds solutions to manage this fire that has been cut out
18:19 of the rest of the building, the pasha is attentive to all the information that
18:22 are sent to him with his team he sells analyze them and
18:25 anticipate the damage to continue to operate the machines and
18:29 allow submarines to continue their mission
18:31 we light so we lost we wait so it's mainly the loss of the bc
18:40 2001 the commander knows it in this kind of situation it is imperative not to
18:45 never lose his temper everyone can be stressed out
18:49 depending on the amount of responsibility, this is where there is a lot of emphasis on
18:53 teamwork a submariner does not lead in
18:57 security its facilities where there is doubt about its way if the conduct
19:02 installations and his qualification may possibly be withdrawn
19:07 temporarily the time to get back to level the ways of communicating
19:11 react monitoring the interpretation of the dice of the elements that go up
19:17 information and how to convey it also the importance of
19:20 language to be sure that everything is understood and read back
19:24 in a submarine the technical cabinets are locked in
19:27 permanently to avoid any incident but in the event of a problem and to be able to
19:30 react quickly they are all equipped with
19:33 opening in the front which allows Damien to empty his extinguisher and
19:36 blow the fire at that time at the other end of the submarine to
19:42 mobilize the medical team the hard training division if the exercise
19:46 the 212 medical team to take care of the injured the doctor is
19:52 pauline dignified the nurses' dock the stretchers said also intervene
19:56 quickly the difficulty in this situation
19:58 emergency is to raise the injured 2 in more to the state of the infirmary
20:05 [Music]
20:15 the challenge for coline and his team and to put the stretcher in a trapdoor
20:20 of only 80 cm to go underwater have developed a technique
20:24 unique rope and pulleys we his Damien side succeeded in the exercise
20:36 for him the fire mission ends the event was successful
20:52 all the intervention teams followed the right actions and knew
20:55 intervene in the allotted time a vital control when we know that they
21:01 are alone more than 300 meters under the sea despite appearances of a total
21:06 pass at the time of the second debriefing
21:09 underlines a malfunction contain the disaster
21:37 excellence is the key word until the storage of all their equipment
21:41 intervention now they must put back in place
21:43 identically the 80 fire extinguisher and fireproof suits they are required
21:47 to know these locations perfectly
21:49 because at any time the submariners must be able to take them out
21:53 in less than three minutes in an emergency
22:00 nature in cat or the jean-marie material in this scenario such a
22:08 engagement has consequences in the speed a sailor is injured he is
22:13 immediately taken care of in the infirmary
22:15 these 5 2
22:19 sometimes reality goes beyond fiction I just wanted to hit it's stupid eh but
22:26 it's not the ceiling that came love its selection and the ceiling bah yes yes
22:30 one is never actually safe in the submarine from being
22:34 bang your head so here are some small points of
22:36 from time to time it's things that we regulate regularly confers
22:42 usually surgery a psychologist dentist pauline endorses all
22:47 caps she is able to intervene on everything
22:50 type of incident once under the sea this young
22:53 31-year-old doctor bears responsibility for the health of all
22:56 the crew be a woman aboard a submarine
22:59 it's first to be a submariner and it was hard to
23:03 training the same way for everyone and it was hard in
23:08 periods like this of training at sea but in the same way for all
23:11 world and we are in a world of two technicians and
23:15 so they recognized us on our technique on our skills more than
23:18 on whether we are a man or a woman when I mean a doctor
23:21 even more a pauline doctor made his first dive in 2017
23:29 she is one of the first three women to have joined the submarine forces
23:32 hitherto reserved for men meanwhile in the living area at
23:36 the front of the submarine the men enjoy a moment of respite
23:39 it's 11:45 am it's time for the first service
23:43 the major says the boss makes sure everything is set mejía here we are
23:48 ready we will be able to launch frédéric the cook that the submariners call
24:01 thighs have been active for six years they work under the seas always at
24:05 small care for the crew every day they prepare 220 meals in
24:09 a space of 5 square meters even if it is cramped
24:12 it offers a cuisine worthy of great restaurants, the icing on the cake this
24:17 a small town under the sea also has its bakery, Sébastien dit la Goule 17
24:22 ans de marine is also hard at work serving fresh bread every day and
24:25 the sweets that everyone loves little pleasures
24:28 so important for the morale of the troops
24:32 yes cooking is important that's where people go to eat
24:39 this is the only time when we really meet all the sailors of
24:44 revenge forward the young back it's a stopping point
24:48 escape a little bit
24:52 [Applause]
24:57 on the upper deck in the square of the playing officers were going thus you
25:07 the atmosphere is more subdued [Music]
25:12 everything is done to forget that these men live in the depths of
25:15 the ocean [Music]
25:25 this break is short-lived for the patron of the alexander bridge he is the
25:30 responsible for daily life on board the 80 technicians is the super
25:34 steward for him all these moments a taste
25:37 particular because it is his 17th and last dive
25:40 [Music] here's my office, it's the pantry
25:50 but it also has a function to which they pay particular attention
25:54 so this is a very important document that has not been preserved by the
26:00 patrons of the bridge where are therefore recorded every hour of diving every
26:04 cycles for for registration on the military file for the young pilot
26:08 from Amiens he has no diving hours yet, his logbook did not delay
26:13 I hope it will be as bulky as that of its elders the good by
26:18 example that he is he is also thick yeah there he is there he is there
26:24 some I do a van 3000 with this last mission it will reach
26:31 the 25 billion which represents three and a half years spent under the sea
26:40 boss is a character of the utmost importance
26:42 they are always people of great quality except if navy and old who
26:48 have experience who are generally recognized for their qualities
26:52 professional of course but social futile
26:58 who monitors the general morale of the crew and the particular bral of
27:03 everyone is a very important character
27:06 an important figure who must manage the logistics until the evacuation of
27:11 waste a heavy responsibility because it can have consequences for the
27:16 building security the reason is simple when the sub
27:19 sailor evacuate the garbage bags into the sea a waterway could invade the
27:23 ship then everything is carefully calibrated the garbage chute is located at
27:31 the front at the level of the living area at the bottom of the hold is operation one
27:36 sensitive operation because at times in the end we only hold this door
27:42 this airlock will be the only rampart facing the pressure of the ocean a 20 cm door
27:48 on which rests the life of the whole crew suddenly the chore of trash
27:52 in a submarine requires special attention and requires
27:55 the presence of the chief engine engineer and the J'go
27:58 [Music]
28:05 they methodically follow the procedure step by step
28:09 carrier because handling this door is at high risk
28:20 in a few hours this bag will be said often and will be in
28:25 melts the ocean with only biodegradable elements all bags
28:30 evacuated out of the submarine come from the kitchen peelings and other remains
28:36 only food waste is thrown into the sea
28:41 authorization to open the exterior door is requested
28:48 this operation is repeated two to three times a week the bins
28:52 mobilizes the entire submarine which reduces its speed as much as possible and ascends
28:55 slightly to avoid that the pressure is too strong on the empty saas
28:59 garbage once this step performs the
29:04 submarine plunges back into the Atlantic to resume its strategic position
29:07 lurking at the bottom of the sea it is totally undetectable
29:11 everything is calculated so as not to break the silence if necessary to stay
29:15 invisible to such an extent that the machines are mounted on tires so that the
29:20 less vibration is muffled no noise should filter this law of
29:26 silence must sometimes be broken when the submarine rallies the surface to
29:30 discreetly take out your periscope to prepare for training
29:35 rigorous is required because in this extreme case
29:38 the submarine becomes vulnerable at the operational center
29:42 camille the deputy sonar chief and damien the young pilot will be tested
29:47 to this maneuver for camille it is a knowledge check for damien
29:51 it's time for his third qualifying event Camille 27 years old and
29:57 lieutenant, she begins her second dive at a
29:59 key station it is she who supervises the sonars and coordinates what is called
30:04 the ears of the submarine totally blind the building only moves
30:08 by analyzing external sounds at a depth of 300 meters the light is
30:12 non-existent so they are the ones who scrutinize the funds
30:14 sailors and allow ships to move what is happening here by boat
30:20 comes and passes me over there is a risk of
30:22 derives from earth a pato so there indeed
30:25 the goal that I know exactly where are all the boats very precisely from
30:29 way to have security risk
30:32 camille is the manager of a team of 10 specialists
30:36 some are headphones and others are analysts, they are the eyes of the
30:40 building among them the so-called golden ear
30:44 the Romanian lieutenant is making his fourth dive
30:47 the chief analyst he alone is capable of recognizing more than 800
30:51 unclassified acoustic signatures all the noises that we have especially
30:55 differences yona so get by mechanical biological buildings is
31:00 submarines we like to have weather phenomena like the most competent
31:04 we even see earthquakes that's all we can hear in
31:07 the other is a sperm whale skeptical of roommates it helps him to spot
31:15 fish in his villa it is not the sperm whale that disturbs the lieutenant of
31:20 vessel but a vessel on the surface that could cross their path at the time of
31:24 take sight again camille must know exactly which ship it is and
31:36 the cup that borrow it
31:41 he decides nothing
31:46 70 years of relief we see if we get my time back at 70 meters camille
31:52 calls the pasha she must validate her tactical choices year the course
32:07 for view recovery is now fixed
32:09 camille managed to ensure that the maneuver goes smoothly
32:13 it's damien's turn to prove himself 70 m 50 m the young pilot
32:22 approaches the surface
32:27 it is a delicate operation which is closely supervised by the second
32:30 damien is the pasha's right-hand man he has spent his entire career in the forces
32:34 underwater the real difficulty for him is not to
32:38 not hold the right immersion while being discreet so just have the thesis
32:44 coop that goes out over the water and all that in situations that are a bit tricky
32:48 because we have a lot of beautiful seasides is big wave
32:59 damien fights against the elements because outside the wind blows and the sea
33:03 is bad they barely manage to keep the submarine submerged
33:07 requested by the pasha despite the adversity he approaches
33:11 the immersion ordered the second can trigger the exit of the periscope
33:17 now he must succeed in maintaining the 138 meters and the fourteen thousand
33:22 tons of the submarine a challenge for the young pilot much of his
33:27 qualification is played on this event
33:38 come on we finally give up damien all the difficulties to stabilize the
33:43 ship just below the surface a maneuver it had not performed
33:47 until now that on the simulator I have not seen a little more than two
33:51 minutes lot good evening slightly too much his boat
33:58 December to more than 24 these deaths of the sick diversion in baroeul
34:07 from the sea inspired pier from the leeches inspired each from a cold
34:16 internet successful test the young mate manages to place
34:25 perfectly the ship behind him the pasha can finally
34:28 take back the top 10 view of the tour
34:30 [Music] I have to wait for the waves
34:34 because we take a few packages ok I went for a walk I have nothing very
34:39 relatives
34:49 we dislike because he has received and so damien for this exercise has met
34:58 a lot of difficulties for camille is however it is a success
35:03 just taking the moment that they were dainty little strokes
35:07 there are sovereigns who have caused accidents because the oil tankers who
35:12 said that extremely massive six years a stele tilting the hull hide
35:17 the noise of the propellers and the propulsion so you can't hear them it's a risk
35:22 one of the big boats were these boats at risk and it happened that
35:27 submarines regain sight this may be related
35:29 here it is it is very annoying because we go up to the nose combed in brush one
35:34 all the masons are combed back then after that where it is necessary to enter very
35:40 faithful to what happened on board the vigilant submarine if some have
35:49 been put to the test the atmosphere is not the same on all
35:52 the good ones there are who benefit from the calm and the freshness of the
35:56 torpedoes to isolate yourself but these are not the only distractions every
36:00 Sundays the submariners have a ritual
36:02 the weighing of the bag 6 kg to 102 the master damien 11 years of service is in charge
36:11 from the animation eight wiki islands on the 6 we take the different values ​​of the outcry
36:18 who passes but closer to that wins the bag and the person no longer needs the
36:22 bag makes a turn 2 to 0 is the sass bide orient
36:27 now everything is more sax bag it reminds me of the inter but it
36:33 I have to remember an idiot but that was going to make a little set and a half
36:39 over five years 7 kg 850 is super important for the
36:43 team morale from shuffleboard tournament to card contests
36:48 we even nerve also the foam dart guns even the chef de
36:53 the training division does not cut it I do not want to take a tour of the u18
36:56 [Music] kg 108 kg the winner wins the content
37:10 the bag of candy mugs and t-shirts of the lots which changes every week
37:14 little attentions that snore isolation of these sums cut off from the rest of the world
37:18 they have no internet no TV no telephone hence the importance of these
37:23 moments of cohesion communication distraction the result of the weighing of the
37:28 bag the winner of the svr and the second puts for
37:34 an estimated weight of 11 kg 500 congratulations this communication as well
37:40 perished
37:44 damien is the big loser tomorrow it will be his turn to evacuate the
37:48 garbage cans for the time being he goes back to his quarters he shares them with three
37:54 other submariner in close privacy his bed his bunk does not measure
38:02 that a 90 meter long by 80 cm wide is the only space where it can
38:07 isolate yourself to the rhythm of the relays in the cockpit
38:12 it is 8 p.m. on the surface the sun is declining on board the light
38:18 turns red and marks the night to allow men not to lose
38:21 their markings at the level of the upper deck in the space reserved for
38:29 officers calm reigns the commander is one of the few to have
38:33 his own cabin between two exercises he ensures the smooth running of the ship
38:40 large cabinets go minus 3 4 square meters thought the largest of the edge where
38:44 we are alone length I'm very very lucky slope
38:48 it's my bedroom in the bathroom if my office but safe that all
38:53 all classified documents and dubai the bus is right next to the central
38:58 operations at 3 m I am close to all but yeah that's not very big what
39:03 but there is race one and I remind you of the four it is the case
39:07 in the second the machine manager and the operations manager we are all in one
39:10 gangway this needs I tilt my head with the sword and we talk
39:14 so these practices lurking in the depths of the abyss the
39:19 vigilant with its 110 sailors continues its route somewhere in the Atlantic
39:32 in the morning fatigue begins to be felt
39:36 the crew must redouble their efforts and give everything for this final day of
39:40 test to start these are the three pilots who will pass their
39:46 qualification they must perform the scenario provided by the pasha
39:52 for this test, the pasha tests the responsiveness of the pilots with a
39:56 tactical maneuver used in an emergency to escape possible
40:00 enemy ships this operation consists of
40:03 minus 300 m to minus 150 m at very high speed with an angle of 20 degrees so
40:09 quickly rallied married the diversionary area that was
40:13 vietor de suif the exercise starts with cyril the most experienced under the eyes
40:19 attentive to the two young pilots when we blow up six machines in
40:24 moving the boat at high speed to the right game to go up and go down there
40:29 will do it a little faster so they can see that it works even faster and
40:33 that he met much more quickly to put the coxswain on
40:36 thumb experienced to have so that he sees what it gives a son and two
40:38 young people prefer easy in worth all a little more
40:46 [Music] at the helm even at high speed and with
40:51 large drops, cyril's navigation remains fluid
40:56 change the two arts it's eric's turn he makes dive
41:03 for the first time the submarine with 16 missiles and 110 crew members and
41:08 there the consequences have nothing to do with a simulator
41:15 [Music] I didn't think the adventurer
41:20 cat I didn't think I had so much noise and
41:26 select the bar before alone because I was told in school and I
41:29 tried to put everything against and to slow down my life to really felt
41:33 that the boat naturally brakes it leaves and it seems clear to me if you
41:38 was eating suddenly I thought you were going to exceed 150 matches without more
41:41 delay since I delayed pushing on the bar on the front bar
41:46 time change damian takes place it's his last
41:50 ordeal after the difficulties encountered by his comrade
41:53 the pressure is enormous the test begins the young coxswain pushes the
41:58 high speed submarine in the depths it makes it sting fast
42:01 under the eye of a commander
42:07 [Music]
42:13 he perfectly masters this delicate maneuver and his style does not escape
42:17 nobody impresses the whole crew
42:22 succeeded with flying colors he even manages to dethrone the most experienced pilot
42:28 it's very well done we have a score of +6 we went from 145 to 150 3 or rather
42:33 253 these Asian giants have it's excellent it's very auspicious
42:39 we know that they will be able to count on their commune to escape a frigate for
42:43 quickly reach an area we know we will be able to be demanding
42:46 vis-à-vis the boat and that one will be operated the boat 150 or so powerful
42:51 all his abilities
42:55 I would have been very calm to perfect his collarbone
43:01 [Music] damien made an impression
43:05 but in a few hours an even more delicate qualifying event will be
43:09 mobilize the whole crew while waiting at the other end of the sub
43:14 sailor to relax some meet in the gym for a while
43:19 yves widest of all the building wedged between the two missile sites
43:22 the only space where submariners can let off steam less than five meters
43:27 then tough squares for boxing fans like laurent 19 yr old marines
43:34 put down his clever bag, he places it between two engines
43:38 we eliminate all the good desserts all the good meals that we were going to tell me
43:44 only by small sessions three quarters of an hour an hour a day
43:50 it's not superfluous chic
43:58 live underwater dive surface live in a confined space
44:05 I think it's still quite exceptional we have common people who
44:09 have experiences of the qualifications of the mentions which allow us to
44:12 do an extraordinary job when testing missile firing
44:17 nuclear rings for all crew members this event announces the
44:21 disaster scenario that everyone dreads but to which everyone must
44:25 prepare for recalls to the combat post
44:35 on mission this firing procedure and repeated at least twice a week
44:39 day and night if the order was given to them it should
44:44 do everything to carry it out
44:49 for this firing phase the crew is ready to intervene to counter
44:53 all damage during launch
44:58 last check for the missives is the cargo holds are closed and the area
45:04 is now doomed all bridges are on high alert
45:12 the commander confined to the operational center and then takes control
45:15 missiles
45:18 [Music] the training division scrutinizes
45:22 smallest gestures and reaction times of each member stationed at the center
45:26 operational the smooth running of this exercise is essential for their
45:30 qualification these reports says it is the cell
45:33 mac os this report says it's the very young mac os cell it's the
45:36 configuration but it is also the mission of the
45:40 deterrence is really the hall this strategic combat post is
45:43 really the heart of the mission she would not have donkey it's common
45:46 in targets in reality only the president of the republic can
45:54 order the commanders to move on to this final phase
45:56 the sub from then on should cut off all communication any
46:01 relationship with the outside it is necessary that heavy has arrived returns
46:06 step back if we get a control of millions after ten years we have
46:12 finally canceled we made peace with our
46:16 opponent no once the order is given it is
46:21 irreversible
46:28 ten cities I hope it will never happen because if it happens it's because
46:31 everything else has failed more conventional diplomacy all
46:34 stay it's a big responsibility because
46:38 that really the last of the last gag
46:41 to ensure that the war is stopped immediately is not the
46:45 trigger and it's always manual president banda in order we don't want
46:50 an automatic system because of being able to take into account certain
46:55 variables someone who would like to prevent us from doing it or to the machine
46:58 not be able to decide that we are in any case for us
47:08 when one thinks of the weight of responsibility of the pasha of a submarine
47:12 it's terrifying but the recent series number 1 is that of the head of state
47:16 it is he who says we no longer have a choice we are in vital danger so we have to go
47:22 to act therefore all French president any head of state in the world who
47:27 have the nuclear weapon in mind in fact he lives with it I don't think
47:32 a single day where it leans that get it out of mind the missillier chief
47:36 arnaud lieutenant of the navy has the heavy load of weapons and the system of
47:40 firing nuclear missiles when we are ready for the
47:43 launch everyone we go to the launch phase
47:46 finally the launch finally the launch pc shooting on contact
47:56 well it says coplan
48:00 start of the launch sequence
48:10 it's really points here in chief of watch rossi put that has it so there we have
48:15 seized the targets on which we are going to hit two presidents are going to simulate a
48:19 launch of 16 missiles therefore the full charge of the week the activation of all
48:24 missiles allow the crew to control the proper functioning of any
48:27 the chain two-thirds in full the damage caused by the entire
48:31 strike force of such a building would be unimaginable
48:35 such power could wipe out a quarter of the population of
48:39 europe
48:44 the pasha holds the keys to the nuclear strike force she unlocks the
48:48 last step of the firing procedure I will have to return to the order of
48:53 President I had to unlock the system but we won't be able to
48:56 film because it's confidential I make two hits 12
49:01 I don't have you leaving
49:11 on the four eyed men I saw from the outside it might seem like a game
49:17 role-playing the war games in a sense yes it's a war game except that in the
49:22 rue that is not a day we train for that and they are all ready to give
49:27 their life its needs for nation fulfillment is the essence
49:32 even the military holds this one over the digital freedom party to 70 doctors
49:40 the entire operational chain to operate they all have
51:36 and his mission to patrol the bottom of the sea three months cut off from the world
51:40 three months during which
