• 5 years ago
82- Meaning of love and hate for the sake of Allah
Q: Abu Ahmad from Riyadh asks: "We were informed that the strongest bond of faith is love for the sake of Allah and hate for the sake of Allah. What does it mean to love and hate for the sake of Allah (Exalted Be He)? 11
A: Lovg for the sake of Allah (Exalted Be He) means to love someone who is characterized by piety and faith, and hate another person for the sake of Allah as he is a disbeliever or even disobedient to Allah (Exalted Be He). One disapproves and hates of a disobedient Muslim to Allah all the sins he commits. In fact, a Muslim's heart is capable of harbouring both feelings. Thus, a Muslim loves for the sake of Allah those who have faith and piety, and he hates for Allah's sake the unbelievers who do evil and are disobedient to Him. As for a person whose character reveals both sides of good and evil, such as disobedient Muslims, he should be loved for being Muslim, none the less his committing of sins is hated of him. Thus, the two attitudes, i.e. love and hate for the sake of Allah, exist in the heart of a believer in such a case; he loves the people of faith and righteousness, and hates the disbelieves for their repudiation of faith. Once again, one whose character is a mixture of good and evil tendencies, i.e., a disobedient Muslim, should be loved in relation to the degree of his faith and hated in proportion to his sins and shortcomings.
[Vol. 1]
