• 5 years ago
84- Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was sent to all mankind and jinn
Q: The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was sent to all mankind and jinn. Does this also apply to all other Messengers (peace be upon them)? Or, was Muhammad (ﷺ) the first Messenger ﷺ )? Would you please advise us! May Allah reward you greatly for this!
A: Before the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), each Prophet and Messenger was specifically sent to his own people, while there were warners and preachers from among the jinn whom Allah would send to warn them. As for our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), he was sent to all humans and jinn, and this particularity was exclusive for him (ﷺ). No other Messenger was sent to both humans and jinn except Muhammad (ﷺ). To clarify, every Messenger was sent to his own people, whether humans or jinn, in the realm or land to which his mission was particularly intended. Although such Messengers did not know many peculiarities of the jinn or even their names, the jinn of that realm or land to which the Messengers were sent had to listen to and obey them, accept their messages and act in accordance with their commands. They had to follow the Messenger who was sent to them. And Allah knows best the truth about this matter.
[Vol. 1, Page No. 216]
