• 5 years ago
71- the ruling on naming someone: `Abdul-Rasul (2)
Q: Many people here in Egypt use names like: Hassan Abdul-Nabi. Is it Haram (prohibited) or not to use these names? Should we change them? May Allah reward you well.
A: Yes, using these names is Haram, for it is not permissible to give names like "Abdul-Rasul, "Abdul-Nabi, "Abd `Umar, "Abdul-Hussayn, Abdul-Hassan, or "Abd `Ali. This is Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Islamic law and Muslims of sound intellect), for names should indicate servitude to Allah Alone (may Allah be Glorified and Exalted). Thus, it is acceptable to use names like "Abdullah, "Abdul-Rahman, "Abdul-Quddus, "Abdul-Karim. Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm (may Allah be Merciful to Him) said: Scholars unanimously agreed on the prohibition of any name signifying servitude to other than Allah, except for "Abdul-Muttalib. In conclusion, giving names which express servitude to other than Allah is prohibited by Ijma" (consensus). Hence, people should not use the names "Abdul-Nabi, "Abdul-Hussayn, "Abd `Ali, "Abd `Umar and the like. Instead, they should use "Abdullah, "Abdul-Rahman, "Abdil-Karim, "Abdul-Quddus, `Abdul-Malik, "Abdul-Salami or other names that show servitude to Allah (may Allah be Glorified and Exalted). However, if a person's children are given names like "Abdul-Nabi, Abdul-Hussayn, "Abdul-Hassan, "Abd `Umar or similar names; they should change them to Shar`i (Islamically lawful) names. For example, they should change names like "Abdul-Nab to "Abd Rab Al-Nabi (the Lord of the Prophet), or "Abdul-Rasul to "Abd Rab Al-Rasul (ﷺ), and they should change "Abdul-Hussayn to "Abd Rab Al-Hussayn. They can also use names like "Abdullah or "Abdul-Rahman which are Shariah (Islamically lawful) permissible names.
[Vol. 1, Page No. 187-188]
