Job fair goes online amid COVID-19

  • 4 years ago
비대면 채용 관문 뚫어라...온라인 채용박람회 '리딩코리아 월드클래스 잡 페스티벌' 개최

The South Korean government has arranged a job fair online to help people find work.
In normal times, a company would set up a booth where they could answer questions and take applications in person, but that's all happening virtually now.
Our Bae Eun-ji has this report.
This woman looking for a job, sits in front of a camera for a one-on-one with the company director.
The director answers questions on what exactly the job is about and what requirements are needed to apply for the position.
"Preparing portfolios will be helpful for online interviews. Showing this portfolio on the screen during the online interview, or sending it to us in advance, will help you get the job."
He also explains the company's current business partners and its plans to expand overseas.
The Trade, Industry and Energy Ministry and SMEs and Startups Ministry have arranged this online job fair to help job seekers amid the severe employment crisis.
"Even though COVID-19 has forced this year’s job fair to go completely online, job seekers are still able to ask questions to company managers and get the information they need."
The recruitment presentations are live-streamed on YouTube.
Then, the company managers directly answer viewers' questions through the chatting system.
"This way of online interaction can be more beneficial, as it is accessible to a wider range of people anywhere, and at any time."
A total of 66 SMEs and public institutions are taking part in the job fair, which runs until Friday, September 25th.
The fair is expected to help around 560 people find a job.
Bae Eun-ji, Arirang News.
