Education Reimagined: A Space for Risk Review

Polly C Blakely

by Polly C Blakely

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Taking risks is how humans learn. It is how humans have always learned. A person sees a problem, takes in the available information, and tries a solution. It is in that process - whether the goal is understanding a Shakespeare play, figuring out an algorithm, or writing a theory of history - that engaged learners make breakthroughs, be those breakthroughs individual, group, or societal. In this book, three experienced practitioners describe how to re-imagine teaching spaces - conventional schools - as learning spaces, spaces where risk is encouraged, celebrated, and actually taught in every area of endeavor: from how, where, or if to sit, to how to find the right pathway to learning. In bringing the stories of a central office Innovation director together with an elementary teacher and administrator and a veteran secondary teacher leader, Education Reimagined: A Space for Risk demonstrates how fundamental change is possible in any school