Full version Passing the Torch: Critical Conversations With Your Adult Children Complete

  • 4 years ago
A comprehensive, practical guide that leads Baby Boomers through the process of getting their financial lives in order and communicating their wishes, desires and concerns to their adult children. It will give you the tools to develop a strong partnership with your children to make the critical decisions that will affect your life and theirs.Talking to your children about all the issues you will face as you get older is often very difficult to do. Passing the Torch gives parents a practical and empathetic approach to work with their children to discuss and plan all the decisions they will have to make. The book lays out the steps to prepare and hold a family meeting to open up the lines of communication. It addresses such critical areas as legal issues that can impact the family, end of life planning, health care planning, and passing on a legacy to the next generation.The author calls on over 30 years of experience as a financial advisor to share real-life situations he and his clients had to face and how they developed practical solutions to deal with them. Passing on The Torch will give you the tools to give your children the gift of communication and give you the peace of mind to know that you have everything in order.