পুরো শরীরের ৮০ ভাগই ঢেকে আছে জন্মদাগে। 80% Covered in birthmarks l The truth Bangla l

  • 4 years ago
A YOUNG WOMAN was born with a nevus birthmark covering more than 80 percent of her skin. Beatriz Pugliese, 25, from São Paulo, Brazil, underwent over 30 surgeries from the age of six months to reduce her birthmarks, as they are prone to cause skin cancer. Her condition, also known as a giant congenital melanocytic nevus, is so rare that it affects just one in 500,000 people. Despite experiencing some bullying at school, Beatriz didn’t let this get to her and says she’s always had a positive attitude as her family always encouraged her to not cover up any of her birthmarks but embrace them. The 25-year-old became a role model for others with similar skin conditions and attends a yearly meetup with other Brazilian people who have nevus birthmarks. Today, Beatriz works as a biologist and recently married her husband Fellipe who she met during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
