One-click background removal in Photoshop 2020 automatically

  • 4 years ago
Removing backgrounds in Photoshop 2020 couldn't be easier! A new feature introduced in Photoshop that relies on Adobe's 'Sensei' technology, automatically and very accurately recognises objects and people in photos, to select or remove them, or remove the backgrounds.

In this short video I look at this functionality using the 'Quick actions' in the Properties panel and test a few photos to see how good it is! It really does offer one-click background removal.

Certainly removing backgrounds in Photoshop is much improved from the 2019 version, where it was still quite good but the edges were quite rough. The Photoshop 2020 version does a much smoother job.

The other tool I refer to in my video (that is a web-based tool), is and I have reviewed it in this video:

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#removebackground #photoshop2020 #selectsubject