Prime Minister Abe leaves, leaving many regrets for world leaders - News

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Prime Minister Abe leaves, leaving many regrets for world leaders.
Many world leaders shared with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's resignation, highly appreciated his contributions.

Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest-serving prime minister, announced his resignation on the afternoon of August 28 due to health reasons.

"Mr. Shinzo Abe has achieved great things as prime minister of Japan, for his country and the world. Under his management, UK-Japan relations are getting stronger and stronger in terms of trade and nationality. rooms and cultural links.

Thank you for your years of contribution and I wish you well, "British Prime Minister Boris Johnson shared on Twitter after Abe announced his resignation.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she and Mr Abe had worked very well together, according to Reuters news agency. "I am sorry about his resignation and wish for the best for him," she said.