Kid Orders Toy Microwave Using Virtual Assistant on His Own

  • 4 years ago
This kid enjoyed playing with a virtual assistant at home. He had broken his toy microwave, so he asked his father to get him a new one. However, after his father stalled him, he figured out how to place an online order on the virtual assistant. He bought the toy on his own without telling his parents, who only found out when it came home.
00:00what did you do what is this yeah what did you do what did you order what is
00:10that yeah but how come that just got delivered to our house what is it open
00:17it were you on the Alexa how did how did that get here because I didn't order it
00:23and daddy didn't order it yeah once you see what's inside
00:35were you messing around on the Alexa
00:39did you order that what is that yeah how did that get here how did that get
00:54here no wonder he was asking me to say microwave yeah you little turd
