Beautiful Plants In My House || Morning glory, Nayantara ,Aparajita, Dopati and many more ||

  • 4 years ago
Beautiful Plants In My House
1. Morning glory.
2. Nayantara flower (Catharanthus roseus) commonly known as Bright Eyes, Cape Periwinkle, Graveyard Plant, Madagascar Periwinkle, Old Maid, Pink Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle.
3. Aparajita Flower ( Clitoria ternatea) commonly known as Asian Pigeonwings, Bluebellvine, Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea, Cordofan Pea and Darwin Pea.
4. Dopati Flower (Impatiens balsamina) commonly known as Balsam, Garden Balsam, Rose Balsam, Touch-me-not or Spotted Snapweed.
And Many More.
