00:01:01All right kids Roger Carroll here
00:01:04Excuse me. I was just handed this announcement. Let's see what we've got here
00:01:09Bad news the Lake Arrowhead Dance Pavilion will not be open this summer
00:01:13Seems the promoters had other commitments and everybody who was scheduled to work on Monday is now notified not to report
00:01:20Tough break so get busy finding yourselves other jobs, but not until Donnie Brooks
00:01:25That's great. That puts us out of a job for the summer. Look I turned on that lifeguard offer at the beach Oh
00:01:32Brother, well, may as well turn around and head back to LA. Hey, wait that job with dad is still open
00:01:39Maybe he could hire both of you. Thanks Cindy, but
00:01:42Well, what what's wrong with working for my father? Look Cindy, we've been through this before
00:01:48He doesn't need me. It would be just a handout. I don't understand you. You're so touchy about money not money
00:01:57Let's drop it
00:02:03Hey, wait a minute
00:02:05Wait a minute. I just got an idea
00:02:07Why don't we take over the dance pavilion?
00:02:09I have a friend who's with national talent who can get us some swinging groups
00:02:13Between the two of us we come up with a couple hundred dollars
00:02:16It's just might do it
00:02:19Let's go on up there ahead and talk to mr. Johnson manager of the village. What do we got to lose?
00:02:25Well, it's worth a try
00:02:28Okay by me
00:02:29Man, I got a feeling this is gonna be a swing and some
00:03:23We're gonna have a swing in summer
00:04:45You wait here I'll see if mr. Johnson is in
00:05:06If you geniuses can pull this off you'll make enough money to put yourself through next semester
00:05:11You know if we handle the dances, right? I mean, you know get some good name groups and the right promotion
00:05:16We'll be able to make enough money to put ourselves through post-grad
00:05:18Mickey I'm so excited. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that Rick can sell mr. Johnson on the idea
00:05:24At last dental school. Dr. Howell and James at your service. We fill them and we pull them
00:05:29It's not like you're running a gas station
00:05:32Funny, that's very funny. Anything you just say
00:05:39He's not here he's over at the lodge having lunch by the pool, okay, let's go over there see him
00:06:35Mr. Johnson, we'd like to speak to you for a moment, please. I certainly mr. Wallace. I finished our business
00:06:41What can I do for you, sir? I'm Rick Howe. How do you do?
00:06:44Cindy Foster and Mickey James
00:06:48This young man is jerk Wallace our head lifeguard Terk Wallace
00:06:53the All-American among other things
00:06:57Sir we heard your announcement on the radio. Oh
00:07:00Yes the cancellation
00:07:02I'm sorry about that boys. He's part of the group that was due to work here
00:07:07Yes, sir. That's why we wanted to talk to you
00:07:12We'd like the opportunity of putting on the dances ourselves. Well, that's all well and good. It'll take a great deal of money
00:07:18How much money you boys have?
00:07:21$200 right now, but we're playing on deferring some of the payments till after the first weekend
00:07:26You see a friend of Rick's is an agent
00:07:28And of course he could line us up with some talent
00:07:29We'd give the performers a percentage of the gate and give you at least two weeks rent on Sunday night after the opening
00:07:35That is of course if your price isn't too high. I'm afraid it's more than the rent boys
00:07:40There are certain guarantees that have to be made to the performers and if you're not able to live up your obligations
00:07:47You will get into a great deal of trouble
00:07:49If we could just have a one-week trial period that's all as manager of Lake Arrowhead village. I have its reputation to consider
00:07:58If your plans fall through give the village a bad name
00:08:02Performers will be afraid to appear here
00:08:05Well, how much money do we need to cover the first weekend? Oh
00:08:11$1,000 a thousand dollars
00:08:14I'm afraid you just put us out of business. Mr. Johnson temporarily that is. Oh, I'm sorry boys. I really wish I could help you
00:08:21Thanks. Anyway, thank you
00:08:44My sunglasses, I left them on the table. I'll be right back. Okay, we'll meet you at the car
00:09:06Mr. Johnson, my father is John
00:09:09Oh, yes, I know him you have a house here on the lake. Well, he'll put up the money and make those guarantees or whatever
00:09:16I haven't called you tonight. Well, that changes the whole picture
00:09:21but please
00:09:22Don't tell Rick. Hi. See you have a boyfriend who likes to do things on his own
00:09:29Has he got problems? Well, I'd like to pretend that you were just talking to a friend
00:09:35This place could be a goldmine we've got to raise that money
00:09:38Well, if you ask me Rick, I think we ought to take those jobs from Cindy's father. Look Mickey
00:09:43I'm telling you the same thing. I told Cindy no charity. All right. All right
00:09:48I'll take it
00:09:57Let's go
00:09:59Look, Mickey, I'm telling you the same thing I told Cindy.
00:10:03No charity.
00:10:04All right, all right.
00:10:05Got any other ideas?
00:10:07I'm going to call that agent, see
00:10:08if he can get some groups to come up here on a percentage.
00:10:11Hey, that's a good idea.
00:10:12Quick, who's the sharpest businesswoman you know?
00:10:15What are you talking about?
00:10:16Oh, I just talked Mr. Johnson into letting us
00:10:18have the pavilion for one weekend.
00:10:20You did?
00:10:21What did you say to him?
00:10:22I, um, I played on his sympathy.
00:10:24Come on, let's go.
00:10:25We got lots of work to do.
00:10:26Wait a second.
00:10:27We should go back and thank him.
00:10:28Oh, no, no, no.
00:10:28He said not to bother because, you know,
00:10:30there's so much work to be done.
00:10:31Come on.
00:10:59Here you go.
00:11:01I appreciate it.
00:11:02Thank you very much.
00:11:04What are you saying?
00:11:05That you don't understand what cliche they were talking
00:11:08about with Mr. Rogers?
00:11:09Well, I told his name once, but Iedge said
00:11:13no one has ever told me the name before.
00:11:17And say what?
00:11:19Mickey, Mickey.
00:11:20But how do I know if they tell me?
00:11:22George, what are you doing in my position?
00:11:24We've never dealt in a moment.
00:11:25Hey, what the heck is that work?
00:11:27Hello? This is Rick Howell. Oh, that's great, Mr. Brown. I can't thank you enough to receive
00:11:47your contracts tomorrow. Yes, I'll take care of that, too. Thanks again. Bye.
00:11:52Who's the call from? The Ripcord's manager.
00:11:55You mean they can make it after all? You bet they can. Oh, that's great. Then all we have to worry about is the
00:11:59Righteous Brothers, and then the entertainment's all set. Cindy, I've got a feeling we're gonna be
00:12:04here all summer long. Now, get to work. Speaking of work, Shirley, where's Van Gogh? Mickey? I don't know. He probably went to cut off his ear.
00:12:15Not even that would help his artwork. But it could do wonders for a certain romance. I mean, alone with him.
00:12:24Are you trying to seduce me? Whatever gave you that idea?
00:12:47Ah, yes. The sweet smell of honest sweat.
00:12:52Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow. Women glow? Well, if that's what you're doing, I like it.
00:12:59Say, don't you elves ever take a break? Sounds tempting, but no thanks.
00:13:04That's what I like. Dedication. Oh, that reminds me, aren't you the lifeguard around here?
00:13:09Head lifeguard. Remind me not to go swimming.
00:13:16Well, it's not exactly my type of work, but then, who wants his allowance cut off?
00:13:20Are you saying your father forced you to take this job?
00:13:22Poor guy. Strictly the hard way up type, right? Believes in work.
00:13:27And, uh, what do you believe in?
00:13:29Myself. Good day, ladies.
00:13:34Romeo. Romeo, wherefore art thou going?
00:13:42Thank you, ma'am.
00:13:50Oh, you dropped my hammer.
00:14:41Uh, sir, can I leave my sign here?
00:14:43Sure, go ahead, son.
00:14:46Thank you, sir.
00:15:17Want to join us?
00:15:43Sure, why not?
00:15:47Thanks. I'm really having a good time.
00:15:58Aha! Fooled you.
00:16:06Look out!
00:16:08Are you all right?
00:16:09Oh, no, I'm all right.
00:16:10Oh, are you okay?
00:16:11Oh, no. Oh, it does hurt. Oh, yes.
00:16:14Oh, rub here.
00:16:18Oh, yes. Rub right there.
00:16:20Don't move. Are you hurt?
00:16:22Give me some water.
00:16:24Say something.
00:16:25Give me some water.
00:16:26Get some water.
00:16:27Oh, that's it. It hurts right there.
00:16:29Oh, there. Rub there. Oh, yes.
00:16:31Oh, that feels good.
00:16:32Oh, right there. Oh, yes.
00:16:34More water.
00:16:35That's enough water.
00:16:37Enough water.
00:16:38Oh, yes. Rub.
00:16:43That's enough water.
00:16:48How are things going?
00:16:49Oh, just great.
00:16:51I'm starving. Don't we get a lunch break around here?
00:16:59I'm starving.
00:17:00I'm starving.
00:17:01I'm starving.
00:17:02I'm starving.
00:17:04Can we get some water?
00:17:30I'm sorry, Mr. Edison.
00:17:31You'll have to wait till after lunch to discover electricity.
00:17:33Oh, in spite of rain, sleet, snow, and, uh, Shirley's appetite.
00:17:38Mission not quite accomplished, sir.
00:17:42Is there anything else?
00:17:43Yes, lunch.
00:17:44This way, monsieur.
00:17:45Uh, Cindy, why don't you go ahead and eat with Shirley?
00:17:48Because I don't want to.
00:17:49Look, I'll join you both later.
00:17:50I've only got one more of these things to fix.
00:17:53Then why not let it wait until this afternoon?
00:17:56Because there's a worn-out lighting system that needs a lot of work.
00:18:00Maybe I could help.
00:18:01Oh, putting you in the middle of 5,000 strands of wire
00:18:05would be like cutting my throat with a dull razor.
00:18:08All right, you win.
00:18:09But remember, all work and no play.
00:18:17Hey, it's Gary Lewis.
00:18:24Oh, hello, Gary.
00:18:27Hiya, Gary.
00:18:28Hey, Rick.
00:18:29How are you?
00:18:30Nice to see you.
00:18:31I'd like you to meet Cindy Foster.
00:18:32Hi, Cindy.
00:18:33Mickey James, Shirley Boggs, Gary Lewis.
00:18:34Hiya, Gary.
00:18:35How are you?
00:18:36What are you doing up here so early?
00:18:37Oh, I decided last night to check in a few days early,
00:18:39get some sun, relax.
00:18:41Say, can we, uh, use your bandstand for a while?
00:18:43Go right ahead.
00:18:45Because we've got a tour coming up soon,
00:18:46and I thought this would be a good chance
00:18:47of breaking some new material.
00:18:48All right.
00:18:49All right.
00:18:50All right.
00:18:51All right.
00:18:52All right.
00:18:53All right.
00:18:54All right.
00:18:55All right.
00:18:56Come on, guys.
00:18:57Let's go set up.
00:18:58Hey, young man, hang on.
00:18:59We'll be right right.
00:19:00All right.
00:19:02Hey, hey!
00:19:03Break out here.
00:19:06Hey, Gary!
00:19:08Break out here.
00:19:25Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:19:55hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:20:25hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:20:55All right, baby! Go, Dave! Come on, baby!
00:21:25Hey! Hey! Hey! Go! Go!
00:21:47Gary, that was a great number!
00:21:49Listen, with you guys playing like that we can't lose.
00:21:51Thank you. May we continue?
00:21:53Sure, go ahead. And Gary, thanks for coming up here.
00:21:56You're welcome.
00:21:57Well, we got some work to do. Let's go. We'll talk to you later.
00:22:23Wait a minute, Turk. When you ask a girl for a date, what happens?
00:22:30Before or after she picks me up?
00:22:33You know what I mean. Jerry puts me down on something fierce.
00:22:36Says I'm a beast or animal. Any girl ever tell you that?
00:22:39Only on my good days.
00:22:53Hey, is that the chick you were talking about?
00:23:07Yeah, she's got to get rid of her keeper.
00:23:11Hello, Cindy. How are things back at the factory?
00:23:23Close for repairs. To our tummies.
00:23:26Looks like a swim wouldn't hurt you either.
00:23:28Oh, is that a medical opinion?
00:23:33Hey, Shirley. I thought you ordered a tuna sandwich.
00:23:36Sure, for dessert.
00:23:43Rick, Mickey, you remember Turk.
00:23:46Oh, yeah. You're that, uh, big wife guy. Hey, can you swim?
00:23:51What was that?
00:23:54A bad joke. I was only kidding.
00:23:57Then do it somewhere else.
00:24:04That wasn't very nice of you, Mickey.
00:24:06All right, so what do you want me to do? Write it when I make bad jokes 500 times?
00:24:10Forget it, Mickey. Listen, conference time.
00:24:13So far we have Gary Lewis and the Playboys as the house band.
00:24:17Got Donnie Brooks on Thursday, the Ripcords on Friday, and the Righteous Brothers on Saturday.
00:24:22Cindy, can you and Shirley handle the concessions all right?
00:24:24Sure. Why?
00:24:26I'm just trying to figure out how many people we'll have to hire.
00:24:29If you two can manage by yourselves, with Mickey to take tickets and me backstage,
00:24:33then we'll just need a guy to sell tickets, at least the first night.
00:24:36Uh, well, that's fine, but why not get a girl to sell tickets?
00:24:39Somehow I work better with girls.
00:24:43Uh, pardon me, big timers.
00:24:45While I go and soothe Romeo's fevered brow.
00:24:59Uh, I think my part of the list just walked by.
00:25:01Come on, Mickey. You can chase girls later.
00:25:03Well, who's chasing girls, Rick? I'm after their money.
00:25:07Well, that's three paying customers.
00:25:13Two and a half hours for lunch. Thirty minutes later, he takes off again.
00:25:17You're annoyed with Mickey, aren't you?
00:25:19As a matter of fact, yes. He's acting pretty irresponsible.
00:25:22What's so irresponsible about wanting to have some fun once in a while?
00:25:26Not everyone is cut out to be a Simon Legree.
00:25:29What do you think I am?
00:25:31Oh, the way you're pushing and trying to do everything at once.
00:25:34Cindy, it's not smart business to wait until the last minute to do things.
00:25:38Besides, an awful lot rides on this weekend.
00:25:41This project has to be a success or I've lost my next semester's tuition.
00:25:45My father offered you a job for this summer and you wouldn't take it.
00:25:49In fact, he offered you money to finish school on, didn't he?
00:25:53How'd you know that?
00:25:55I eavesdropped.
00:25:58Besides, if this doesn't work out and you're short on money, it's your own fault.
00:26:02For the last time, I appreciate what your father's tried to do, but I...
00:26:07Too stubborn to take advantage of it.
00:26:10What are you trying to prove?
00:26:12That I'm a mature, responsible human being and able to stand on my own two feet.
00:26:16So be responsible when you're 80 years old and can't be anything else.
00:26:22That comment wasn't like you.
00:26:24How do you know what I'm like anymore?
00:26:26We never see enough of each other for that.
00:26:29All last semester, you had your nose buried in books.
00:26:32Work, work, work, and now this project.
00:26:35Knock it off, Cindy. You're acting stupid and childish.
00:26:38That's exactly what I am, a child, and I like it.
00:26:41Well, I don't.
00:26:42Well, then I'll find somebody who does.
00:26:55Okay, now remember, the Miss Arrowhead contest won't be announced until tomorrow,
00:26:59so don't tell anyone that I set up a preliminary meeting with the head judge.
00:27:02Count on it, Mickey. We're with you, Mickey.
00:27:04Anything you say, Mickey.
00:27:07Yeah, well, I mean, you know, we wouldn't want Rick to be accused of being partial, would we?
00:27:14Okay, well, line up here, girls. Come on.
00:27:16You're right there. That's it. Line up.
00:27:19Uh, Rick, you got a minute?
00:27:23I got a few contestants here I thought maybe you might want to check out.
00:27:28Uh, yeah, for the Miss Arrowhead contest that we're presenting.
00:27:32What is this?
00:27:33It's a fix.
00:27:34I'm trying to line you up. It's cheering up time.
00:27:37Oh, wait a minute. I'll give you some measurements.
00:27:40All right, girls, just line right up there and I'll measure you.
00:27:44My, what a nice ribcage you got.
00:27:47Line right up there and I'll measure you.
00:27:50My, what a nice ribcage you got.
00:27:52Oops. Upside down. Wait a minute.
00:27:54You must breathe a lot.
00:27:55How? My boyfriend's a weightlifter.
00:27:57Oh, well.
00:27:59Oh, boy.
00:28:01You were about to do some measuring, Mickey?
00:28:03Uh, yes, I was, but why don't you just tell me?
00:28:07Okay, okay. Don't get so nervous.
00:28:08Oh, boy. Oh, my foot!
00:28:09Excuse me. I didn't mean to.
00:28:11Let me see your pretty, covering up your pretty face.
00:28:13Hey, Rick, huh? How do you like that waistline?
00:28:16Here, Cassini.
00:28:17Would you step over here for a minute, please?
00:28:20Oh, you wait right there, girl.
00:28:22What's the matter, man? I'm trying to line you up.
00:28:24And I appreciate it, Mickey, but, uh...
00:28:27No dice?
00:28:28No dice.
00:28:30And you really got to, yeah?
00:28:37All right, girls.
00:28:39Right face!
00:28:41Right face!
00:28:43Forward march!
00:28:45Hut, hut, hut, halt!
00:28:47Hut, hut, hut, halt!
00:28:49Hut, hut, hut, halt!
00:29:03But, Jerry, what's so...
00:29:04What's so terrible about whistling at a girl?
00:29:13Hey, uh, Rick, you ever get the feeling that you're not alone?
00:29:17In restaurants?
00:29:22Oh, I know it. I know it. There she is again.
00:29:25Don't look. Don't look.
00:29:27Everywhere I turn, she's looking at me.
00:29:29Taking notes.
00:29:31Notes? On what?
00:29:32On me!
00:29:34I'm telling you, it's weird.
00:29:36She's always looking at me.
00:29:38Okay, wait a minute.
00:29:41Wow. What's wrong with that?
00:29:43She's aghast.
00:29:52And, uh, then we can go moonlight swimming at my house.
00:29:56Oh, Rick, will you excuse me while I talk to my employer?
00:30:00Be my guest.
00:30:01Uh, Rick, at what time shall I report for work tomorrow?
00:30:06We can handle things. Everything is going fine.
00:30:09I wouldn't bet on it.
00:30:11Oh, Rick, don't be such a martyr. What time?
00:30:14Look, I told you, we don't need your help.
00:30:17All right. I'll just come in whenever I feel like it.
00:30:21Which, uh, may not be too early.
00:30:24I'll just come in whenever I feel like it.
00:30:27Which, uh, may not be too early.
00:30:54Well, how do you like it?
00:30:56I didn't know you were going to paint this.
00:30:58Food inspires me.
00:31:07Cindy spent two hours on the patio last night.
00:31:12She waited outside.
00:31:14Alone. Just so I think she got in late.
00:31:19So, don't bother being jealous.
00:31:21It's not good for your stomach.
00:31:23Upsets the acid content.
00:31:25Can't digest your food.
00:31:27That would be a tragedy.
00:31:29Thanks, Shirley.
00:31:39Hey, you guys!
00:31:42Guess what I found.
00:31:44A topless bathing suit with a girl in it.
00:31:46Hey, what?
00:31:47The front is as good as the back.
00:31:49Time's a-wasting.
00:31:50Let's go!
00:31:54Look, I'll go over and start a conversation.
00:31:56You guys stay here and cool it.
00:31:59Look nonchalant, like me.
00:32:24Excuse me, miss.
00:32:29The name is Gypsy Boots.
00:32:31Oh, yeah, Mr. Boots.
00:32:33I thought you were an old friend.
00:32:35I mean...
00:32:36Don't panic.
00:32:37I look like a lot of old friends, I guess.
00:32:39Here, have a banana.
00:32:40Have some grapes.
00:32:41Have a pepper.
00:32:42Here, have a peach.
00:32:43Have a ball.
00:32:44Have a Gypsy Boots energy wafer.
00:32:46Have a cucumber.
00:32:47Have a Gypsy Boots energy wafer.
00:32:49Have some grapes.
00:32:50Have a ball.
00:32:51Have a ball.
00:32:52Have a Gypsy Boots energy wafer.
00:32:54Have some grapes.
00:32:55Have a ball.
00:32:56Have life.
00:32:57Have a...
00:33:21Briefly, this is it.
00:33:37You suffer from a basic insecurity,
00:33:39which manifests itself through periodic delusions of grandeur,
00:33:43combined with narcissistic tendencies,
00:33:45which you tend to sublimate.
00:33:49You're repressing a great deal.
00:33:52Why, it's obvious in your fantasies and erroneously carried out actions.
00:33:58Oh, I'm just lucky, I guess.
00:34:00Now, that's no way to look at your problems.
00:34:03How am I going to help you if you don't cooperate?
00:34:05Help me what?
00:34:06Find yourself.
00:34:08Become a well-adjusted, normal human being.
00:34:12Well, look, why don't you call me and we'll talk about it, all right?
00:34:14We're going to talk about it now.
00:34:17After all, I love you and I think...
00:34:19You what?
00:34:20Well, I don't really love you.
00:34:22It's just that I decided that every girl needs to have at least one summer romance,
00:34:27and you are mine.
00:34:28Why me?
00:34:29Because I have faith in you.
00:34:31Somewhere under that rough, clumsy exterior, you have a mind.
00:34:36Not that I want to quench the hidden fires that I feel raging within you,
00:34:40but I do think that a meeting of the minds is definitely necessary
00:34:44before there can be any perfect blending of two diametrically opposed personalities such as ours.
00:34:50Now, Avalok Ellis says...
00:34:51Look, excuse me, I don't know Avalok Ellis, and I've got to go, okay?
00:35:04Are you some kind of nut?
00:35:15So Shirley says that city's trying to make you jealous, huh?
00:35:18Maybe the whole thing's more my fault than I care to admit.
00:35:21I should call her.
00:35:26Hi. You want to go to the opening of the new Lake Arrowhead Country Club with us?
00:35:30Turk says it's fabulous.
00:35:32No thanks.
00:35:33Oh, I forgot. You probably have some work to do.
00:35:36Nothing like work for building character.
00:35:38That looks like you just saved yourself a dime, Rick.
00:36:09Tell me, what do these look like to you?
00:36:14The Battle of the Bulge?
00:36:17But what did you expect? The whole Second World War?
00:36:21You're Rick Howell, aren't you?
00:36:24Yes, and you're...
00:36:26Alone. All alone.
00:36:29And so are you, it seems.
00:36:32I like to read.
00:36:34Mind if I join you?
00:36:36Not if you don't mind sharing a small beach towel.
00:36:40Is there any other kind?
00:37:05Okay, Mickey. Turn them on.
00:37:09That's good. Turn them off.
00:37:15Well, everything seems to check out.
00:37:17Nothing to do now until the band arrives, except take it easy.
00:37:20Yeah, I gotta get going. I have an appointment.
00:37:22To do what?
00:37:23Take it easy.
00:37:24Oh, yeah? With whom?
00:37:26Oh, Miss Mechanical Arts of Arrowhead Beach.
00:37:29Tough looking chick. Wait till Cindy sees you with her.
00:37:32I have a feeling that she'll throw in the towel.
00:37:35Turkish, that is.
00:37:36Oh, Mickey, your jokes lately.
00:37:38Is it my fault you don't have a sense of humor?
00:37:40Mickey, that's a distinct rationalization on your part.
00:37:43Oh, here she is again.
00:37:46Just because Rick has a different frame of reference to the psychic world than you do,
00:37:50it doesn't necessarily mean that he's lacking in humor.
00:37:53Now, Freud devoted several chapters to an examination of the subject of wit, and...
00:37:59Oh, excuse me. I should have introduced myself.
00:38:02I'm Jerry Mason.
00:38:03Oh, uh, Rick Howell.
00:38:04Oh, dear. I wonder what that means.
00:38:07Oh, boy.
00:38:08Because everything we say and do has a definite meaning, you know.
00:38:12Yeah, yeah, like goodbye, for instance.
00:38:13Oh, but you can't go yet.
00:38:15Why, I haven't even begun to explain your personality.
00:38:18I mean, if we're going to be lovers, I think it's only fair.
00:38:21Will you please stop saying that?
00:38:23Why? Does the thought of being loved frighten you?
00:38:27I'm not frightened.
00:38:29I'm panicked.
00:38:30But that's absurd.
00:38:33Of course.
00:38:34There are things in your childhood that I don't know about.
00:38:37Yeah, I was the fastest kid on the block.
00:39:27Come on, Sandra. We don't belong here.
00:39:56I do. I like parties.
00:40:03Don't let me keep you away. Ha!
00:40:15Jerk, don't make waves.
00:40:20What have I done?
00:40:22Oh, nothing so far.
00:40:24Keep it that way.
00:40:29So what happened to the music?
00:40:31Just waiting for your friend to arrive.
00:40:34Why, I'm here.
00:40:37Well, color you conspicuous.
00:40:39Oh, excuse me while I play host.
00:40:54Where are you going?
00:40:55Back to town.
00:40:56Why don't you stay for the party?
00:40:58Look, Cindy, haven't you done enough already?
00:41:00She certainly has.
00:41:01And come to think of it, maybe it's about time you thanked her for it.
00:41:05Thanked her for what?
00:41:06For letting you play big man on her father's money.
00:41:09Turk, shut up.
00:41:10What are you talking about?
00:41:13Where your money came from.
00:41:15I was with Johnson that first day, remember?
00:41:20Cindy put on quite an act after you left.
00:41:23Said her father put up the money.
00:41:25She told Johnson not to say anything.
00:41:29Might put a dent in Rick baby's ego.
00:41:34Rick, wait.
00:41:36I didn't mean for you to find out this way.
00:41:38But I did.
00:41:40Now, just leave me alone.
00:41:42No, no, no.
00:41:43I think it's the other way around.
00:41:44You leave her alone.
00:41:46Look, if you want to play hero, go find yourself a windmill.
00:41:49Not while I have you available.
00:41:53All right, big timer.
00:41:55You and me.
00:43:51Proud of yourself?
00:43:53I might ask you the same thing.
00:43:55You're as much to blame for this as I am.
00:44:49I'm sorry.
00:48:07Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:48:09I'm Gary Lewis, and on behalf of the Playboys
00:48:12and myself, we'd like to welcome you here
00:48:14to the Dance Pavilion up at Lake Arrowhead.
00:48:16To really kick off this swinging summer,
00:48:18we'd like to bring to you one of the finest entertainers
00:48:21in the world.
00:48:22From Reprise Records, we bring to you
00:48:24Mr. Personality himself, Donnie Brooks.
00:48:36Hi, gang.
00:48:37Hi, Donnie!
00:48:38I want to tell you about a woman.
00:48:40I want to tell you about a woman that's crazy.
00:48:42I call her Penny the Fool.
00:48:46She knows exactly what to do.
00:48:50She's a real cool dolly.
00:48:53She's a hot dog molly.
00:48:57Yeah, she's so cool.
00:49:00I call her Penny the Fool.
00:49:03Oh, Penny the Fool.
00:49:07She's a good looker, too.
00:49:11She's a real cool honey.
00:49:14She's a red hot bunny.
00:49:18Yeah, she's so cool.
00:49:21I call her Penny the Fool.
00:49:24Well, she can twist and shout.
00:49:27She can shake it all about.
00:49:29She can do the dog.
00:49:31She can hop like a bug.
00:49:33But a girly mashed potato?
00:49:35Yeah, she's not blue.
00:49:36She can swim, do the bird,
00:49:38and the watchers, too.
00:49:40Oh, Penny the Fool.
00:49:44She knows exactly what to do.
00:49:47She's a real go-getter.
00:49:51She's my baby sitter.
00:49:54Yeah, she's so cool.
00:49:58I call her Penny the Fool.
00:50:01Yeah, she's so cool.
00:50:05I call her Penny the Fool.
00:50:11Oh, boy, looks like we got it made.
00:50:13At least for this weekend.
00:50:15Boy, if we can just keep it up for the whole summer.
00:50:18Ah, don't sweat it, Rick.
00:50:23Hey, Cindy, why don't you take a break?
00:50:25I can handle things.
00:50:28Hey, Cindy, why don't you take a break?
00:50:30I can handle things.
00:51:00I just wanted to congratulate you
00:51:02on the success of the dance.
00:51:06Rick Howell!
00:51:12For a guy who always says he likes to play fair,
00:51:14you don't give me much of a chance.
00:51:19I want to apologize for the way I acted.
00:51:22All I ever meant to do was help.
00:51:27Somehow, everything got twisted around.
00:51:31That first day at Mr. Johnson's,
00:51:36you needed money.
00:51:37My father has time for me.
00:51:39So you talked him into giving some to your needy boy.
00:51:41Oh, it was not a gift.
00:51:43He loaned it.
00:51:4512% interest.
00:51:47I sobbed to them.
00:51:49That's illegal.
00:51:50I know it.
00:51:52But I thought you'd feel better
00:51:55taking advantage of you
00:51:57instead of you taking advantage of him.
00:51:59Well, I've got news for him.
00:52:01He'll get six and not a penny more.
00:52:03Anything you say, Mr. Howell.
00:52:57What's new?
00:52:59Thermo-optical perception.
00:53:01Mm, sounds wild.
00:53:03Let's see if we try it tonight.
00:53:06At nine?
00:53:07And I know just the place.
00:53:09Moonlight, music, madness.
00:53:13Don't hand me that, Jess.
00:53:15I saw you with Mickey last night.
00:53:17The way you were looking at him,
00:53:18you could have smothered him to death.
00:53:20I'm ready to die.
00:53:21Sorry, but mercy killing isn't my thing.
00:53:23I'm ready to die.
00:53:24Sorry, but mercy killing isn't legal.
00:53:26What is that supposed to mean?
00:53:29To you.
00:53:30You know, Jerry, you treat me like
00:53:31I've got some kind of disease or something.
00:53:34You have.
00:53:35Lockjaw of the brain.
00:53:37Come on, everybody into the lake.
00:53:39Come on, get up there.
00:53:40Volunteers for a water ski race.
00:53:42Hey, Mickey!
00:53:46What about a chicken run?
00:53:48Yeah, sure.
00:53:49You got any chickens?
00:53:50I think I've got one.
00:53:52What about you?
00:53:57What do you mean?
00:53:58I think you're afraid to play chicken.
00:54:00On skis.
00:54:05What are you talking about?
00:54:07A little poultry contest.
00:54:09Instead of using cars, we use skis.
00:54:12With boats flat out.
00:54:14Knock it off, Tony.
00:54:15Those crazy contests were outlawed years ago.
00:54:17We know you have guts.
00:54:19I want to find out if Mr. Chicken has any.
00:54:21I think the whole thing is ridiculous and dangerous.
00:54:23Well, if it's not dangerous, how are we
00:54:25going to prove who's the better man?
00:54:27What's the difference?
00:54:28Tony, I will not allow you to goad Mickey
00:54:30into this ridiculous race.
00:54:33Mickey, it would be beneath you to indulge
00:54:35in such a crude display of animalistic tendencies.
00:54:38Now you have a mind.
00:54:40You don't need to compete physically.
00:54:42Haven't you even got nerve enough
00:54:43to admit that you're chicken?
00:54:45Going to let her do it for you?
00:54:47I can take care of myself.
00:54:49Then prove it.
00:54:51Look, I don't even know how this contest works.
00:54:53Don't try to chicken out.
00:54:54I'll show you.
00:54:55When we're on skis.
00:54:57Tony, why don't you take off and leave Mickey alone?
00:55:00Why is everyone trying to protect me all of a sudden?
00:55:03Because you're asking for trouble if you get into this race.
00:55:06Look, I'm a pretty good skier.
00:55:08How good are you at getting knocked into the water
00:55:10with boats flat out?
00:55:13Who says it's going to be me, Rick?
00:55:15It will.
00:55:16It is.
00:55:17Somebody's going to get hurt and could be killed.
00:55:20Sounds like they're trying to scare you, Mickey.
00:55:26Get the boats ready.
00:55:46What happens now?
00:55:47You'll see.
00:55:50Hit it!
00:56:13Now we split.
00:56:15Stand straight for each other.
00:56:45Now we split.
00:56:46Stand straight for each other.
00:57:15Now we split.
00:57:16Stand straight for each other.
00:57:17Now we split.
00:57:18Stand straight for each other.
00:57:19Now we split.
00:57:20Stand straight for each other.
00:57:21Now we split.
00:57:22Stand straight for each other.
00:57:23Now we split.
00:57:24Stand straight for each other.
00:57:25Now we split.
00:57:26Stand straight for each other.
00:57:27Now we split.
00:57:28Stand straight for each other.
00:57:29Now we split.
00:57:30Stand straight for each other.
00:57:31Now we split.
00:57:32Now we split.
00:57:33Now we split.
00:57:34Now we split.
00:57:35Now we split.
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00:58:21Now we split.
00:58:22Now we split.
00:58:23Now we split.
00:58:24Now we split.
00:58:25Now we split.
00:58:26Now we split.
00:58:27Now we split.
00:58:28Now we split.
00:58:29Now we split.
00:58:30Now we split.
00:58:31Now we split.
00:58:32Now we split.
00:58:33Now we split.
00:58:34Now we split.
00:58:35Now we split.
00:58:36Now we split.
00:58:37Now we split.
00:58:38Now we split.
00:58:39Now we split.
00:58:40Now we split.
00:58:41Now we split.
00:58:42Well, you called me.
00:58:43I didn't call you.
00:58:44Now what's the deal?
00:58:47There'll be a dance at the pavilion tonight.
00:58:49I want you to go in there and break it up.
00:58:53It'll be 20 bucks to each of you.
00:58:59Double it.
00:59:12Well, it's worth it.
00:59:15There'll be two guys at the gate.
00:59:17One answers to the name of Mickey.
00:59:19Forget him.
00:59:20What about the other?
00:59:22Rick Howell.
00:59:24He's the one.
00:59:26You won't have any trouble.
00:59:30Sounds easy enough.
00:59:35One more thing, kid.
00:59:43You'd better be on the level.
01:00:06Ladies and gentlemen, the Lake Arrowhead Pavilion is proud to present to you
01:00:09a group known worldwide for their surfing and hot rod records.
01:00:12Columbia's recording artist, The Ripcords.
01:00:39The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:42The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:45The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:48The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:51The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:54The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:00:57The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:00The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:03The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:06The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:08The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:11The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:14The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:17The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:20The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:23The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:26The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:29The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:32The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:36The Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:38Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:01:42Lake Arrowhead Pavilion
01:02:02Well, I guess that wraps it up for tonight.
01:02:04Yeah, you know, it looks like the best night so far, Rick baby.
01:02:08How's business, Rick baby?
01:02:11Couldn't be better, sir.
01:02:12Good, let's have three tickets.
01:02:14I'm sorry, these dances are for teenagers only.
01:02:16No adults are admitted.
01:02:18I'm a teenager, how about you boys?
01:02:20Yeah, we're just sweet 16.
01:02:22Uh, now look, fellas, we don't want any trouble.
01:02:25We'd appreciate it if you'd leave now.
01:02:27Look, kid, do you want the money or do we go in free?
01:02:30We need to be going free.
01:02:32Hey, knock it off, knock it off, we'll leave.
01:03:01Rick, you want me to call the cops?
01:03:02No, keep it private.
01:03:03Tell the band to keep playing.
01:03:04We came to have fun, let's have some.
01:03:13Gary, hit it.
01:03:19Rick, are you all right?
01:03:20I am now.
01:03:21These guys are out of here.
01:03:25Come on.
01:03:39Come on, baby.
01:04:07Come on, baby.
01:04:08Come on, baby.
01:04:09Come on, baby.
01:04:10Come on, baby.
01:04:11Come on, baby.
01:04:12Come on, baby.
01:04:13Come on, baby.
01:04:14Come on, baby.
01:04:15Come on, baby.
01:04:16Come on, baby.
01:04:17Come on, baby.
01:04:18Come on, baby.
01:04:19Come on, baby.
01:04:20Come on, baby.
01:04:21Come on, baby.
01:04:22Come on, baby.
01:04:23Come on, baby.
01:04:24Come on, baby.
01:04:25Come on, baby.
01:04:26Come on, baby.
01:04:27Come on, baby.
01:04:28Come on, baby.
01:04:29Come on, baby.
01:04:30Come on, baby.
01:04:31Come on, baby.
01:04:32Come on, baby.
01:04:33Come on, baby.
01:04:34Come on, baby.
01:04:35Come on, baby.
01:04:36Come on.
01:05:05There it is.
01:05:06wait till he comes out parking.
01:05:08You're not a very good judge of character, kid.
01:05:35Some heifers we're supposed to tango with turn out to be bulls.
01:05:38If you're looking for more money, I haven't got any.
01:05:40Yeah, I know you don't, but your friends do, and you're going to help us get it.
01:05:44Let's finish in the car.
01:06:20Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:06:49hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:07:18hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:07:47hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
01:08:17If it were true it would pass by like cutest girl in the world
01:08:36I could swear to you you'd like my hair actually
01:08:40Now listen here, boy, I used to be a square, but now I found out I was really nowhere.
01:08:56I used to dig frogs, and Shakespeare too, but no more, baby, cause I dig you, and I'm ready to groove, yeah, I'm ready to groove, well, you know what I've been missing, 24 keys, and yes, I'm ready to groove.
01:09:19If you like math, that's a one, two, three, or if you dig statistics, then you like what you see, at least 36, not more than 23, 36, baby, and it's all me, and I'm ready to groove, oh, yeah, I'm ready to groove, well, you know what I've been missing, and I'm ready for a season, yeah, I'm ready to groove.
01:09:49Whoa, I've been such a silly girl, never gave a love a chance, now I see how wrong I've been, and I'll take romance.
01:10:19Now, you know, I've seen the light, I mean to say, I'd rather switch than fight, so come on, baby, hold me tight, baby, gonna rock you tonight, well, I'm ready to groove, yeah, I'm ready to groove, well, you know what I've been missing, and I'll take romance.
01:10:49I'm ready to groove, well, you know what I've been missing, and I'm ready for a season, yeah, I'm ready to groove, well, you know what I've been missing, and I'm ready for a season, yeah, I'm ready to groove.
01:11:19Turk? What do you want?
01:11:21Cindy, I've got to make a phone call. Can you let me in the office?
01:11:24Turk, are you in some kind of trouble?
01:11:28Is that part of the course where I'm concerned, huh?
01:11:33Help me out.
01:11:35Sure. Let me go get the keys.
01:11:46I'll bring the key back as soon as I'm finished.
01:11:57Oh, that's okay, I'll wait.
01:11:59I don't want you to.
01:12:00Well, why not? We're different.
01:12:01Look, I just don't want you to, that's all.
01:12:02I want to talk to Turk for a minute.
01:12:05Good boy, Turk. Get it, Lou.
01:12:08Get what? Turk, what are they talking about?
01:12:11We're just playing a little game. It's called, uh, bakery.
01:12:14You've come to pick up the bread.
01:12:16I got it. Let's go.
01:12:18You said you were going to keep her out of this.
01:12:21Come on, let's get out of here.
01:12:25Let her go. Let's head for the lake.
01:12:33The cash box, they've got the money.
01:12:35Are you all right?
01:12:36I'm okay.
01:12:36What's up?
01:12:37They've got the cash box. Let's get them.
01:12:41Where'd they go?
01:12:42What do you care?
01:12:43I care, where are they?
01:12:45Hey, Turk, what happened? What happened?
01:12:46Come on, let's go.
01:13:03Hey, wait!
01:13:04Leave her!
01:13:12Lou, this one.
01:13:30Take care of him.
01:13:41Come on, we'll take my boat.
01:13:51Who asked you?
01:13:52Look, we can grind up private access later.
01:13:54Right now, your money and your whole summer's headed out to sea.
01:13:57Come on.
01:16:41Hey, do it!
01:17:11Come on!
01:17:29Like I said before, man, this is going to be a swinging summer.
01:17:41Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the singing
01:17:50sensation from across the nation, doing their latest hit, Justine.
01:17:55Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to give you Bobby and Bill, the Righteous Brothers.
01:19:11Do you feel all right?