Israel - Where is the Love

  • 16 years ago
Not much I really want to say about this video, except that I am left wondering whether Israel has learnt anything at all over the past 60 years, as far as 'making peace with her neighbours' is concerned. The 'Illegal Occupations' continue... the Wall, Separation Barriers and Checkpoints continue to be expanded... Palestinian homes continue to be bulldozed... Palestinian land continues to be used for the building of illegal Settlements... the 'discrimination' toward non-Israelis continues to grow... the 'madness' just goes on and on !

What I have seen of Israel's 'past' leaves me with very little optimism, as far as its 'future' is concerned. When I think of Tel Aviv... I am reminded of the Green (International) Zone in Baghdad. It is like sticking Disneyland in the middle of a desert... a 'make-believe world' totally unrealistic for its surroundings.

I don't wish any 'ill-will' toward the People of Israel... but I do have grave concerns as to what the future has in store, if things continue as they have over the past 60 years. I can foresee everything 'Israel' disappearing in a flash... regrettably, a 'nuclear' one !

My 'wish' for the People of Israel... and for all Middle East countries, is that you will learn to live together 'in peace'. What needs to be understood however, is that 'peace' isn't achieved through 'bloodshed', or by 'threats' toward each other. They only create 'animosity' ! 'Education' is the key to peace... An appreciation and respect of each other's right to be who and what we are !!!

Tolerance... Respect... (and where necessary) Compromise...
Try to get to know each other... Understand who and what you are... where you came from... what you've had to go through to get to where you are !
I sit here 'shaking my head in disgust' when I think of human beings killing each other, when they know absolutely nothing about the person they are killing. Potential 'friends' just being blasted away... it is ridiculous !!!
